How Cutting Edge Training Methods are So Important to Create Job Ready Professionals? How Learning and Development Can Help Transform Better Employability!
Abstract "The most successful are the most prepared and the most prepared are the most dedicated." is rightly said for training purposes and successful career thereafter. Organizational change management (OCM) is the discipline that offers stakeholder support, targeted communications and training to help ensure teams are ready to maximize the benefits of transformation projects. In particular, continuous learning and training are keys to ensuring an enterprise gets the full return on its investment. Two principles are especially critical for empowering your employee and students during times of change: Use the 55-25-20 model for learning and development. This means that MOST learning – 55 percent – comes from hands-on experience while employees are actually doing their jobs. Another 25 percent comes from informal or social learning, such as coaching and collaborating with peers. Just 20 percent of professional development comes from formal training and similar educational ev...