Chapter 7: Understand the Object-Oriented Approach in Python
Abstract: Key points about using OOP in Python: "self" keyword: Within a class, "self" refers to the current object instance, allowing methods to access and modify the object's attributes. Constructor (__init__) method: A special method called automatically when an object is created, usually used to initialize attributes. Dot notation: To access an object's attributes or methods, use the dot notation (e.g., my_car.make). Benefits of OOP: Code reusability: Classes can be reused to create multiple objects with similar functionality. Modularity: Code is organized into manageable units (classes), improving code readability and maintainability. Real-world modeling: OOP allows you to represent real-world entities and their relationships in a structured way . Keywords : Class, Object & Members in Python, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation Data Hiding & Object Printing Constructors, Destructors in Python, Garbage Collection in Python...