
Showing posts with the label Estimation and Costing in Mechanical Engineering

Book Contents Structure in "Estimation and Costing in Mechanical Engineering"

A typical book on "Estimation and Costing in Mechanical Engineering" would cover topics like:  introduction to cost estimation, elements of cost (material, labor, overhead), mensuration, detailed estimation in various manufacturing processes (machining, sheet metal, forging, welding, foundry), cost breakdown structure, project budgeting, and relevant software applications , often including sections on: Basics: Introduction to Estimation and Costing: Importance of cost estimation in mechanical engineering projects Factors influencing cost estimation Different types of cost estimates (rough, preliminary, detailed) Elements of Cost: Direct material cost Direct labor cost Manufacturing overhead cost Indirect expenses   Mensuration and Calculations: Basic Geometrical Calculations: Volume and surface area calculations for various shapes Weight calculations based on material density Material Estimation: Material selection and specification Calculation of material quantit...