
Showing posts with the label Social Needs !

How to Foster Research and Innovation Activities to Fulfill Needs of Society ? Light the Life, Make it Count !

Abstract: Research and innovation are processes that involve creating new ideas and products, and introducing them to the world and to organizations:    Research The process of creating new ideas, processes, technologies, services, or techniques that are new to the world. Research can involve discovering and creating new knowledge about scientific and technological topics.    Innovation The process of introducing something new to an organization that creates value. Innovation can involve developing new products or services to solve problems, improve outcomes, and save lives.    Research and innovation are complementary but not the same. Research and development (R&D) is the first step in the development process, and involves creating new products and services.    Research and innovation can be important for a number of reasons, including:    Improving health Research and innovation can help improve and protect people's he...