International Conference Brochure: Get Acquainted with Key Components to Elevate Yourself Professionally !
Abstract: While developing a write up of brief of an international conference, you can consider the following: Structure: A good abstract should include the following sections: title, authors, background, methods, results, conclusion, and disclosure of interest statement. Content: The abstract should be informative, self-explanatory, and concise. It should include the main elements of your study, such as the purpose, research questions, methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Length: The abstract should meet the required word count and be tightly edited. Style: Avoid filler words and jargon, and keep sentences short enough to read aloud without pausing. Organization: Review your abstract for organization, coherence, focus, flow, redundancy, and typos. Abbreviations: Keep abbreviations to a minimum and define them at first use. Figures, tables, and references: Some gu...