
Showing posts with the label Aerospace

Popular Industry Specific Questions and Answers for Automotive, Aerospace, and Manufacturing

Here are answers tailored for Automotive, Aerospace, and Manufacturing industries: Technical Questions (Industry-Specific) 1. What is the difference between Otto and Diesel cycles? Answer: The Otto cycle (used in gasoline engines) operates on constant volume heat addition, with a spark plug initiating combustion. The Diesel cycle (used in diesel engines) operates on constant pressure heat addition, with combustion occurring due to compressed air temperature. Industry Application: Automotive: Otto cycles are used in petrol engines, and Diesel cycles are used in trucks and heavy vehicles. Aerospace: Gas turbines operate on the Brayton cycle, but Diesel engines are used in auxiliary power units. Manufacturing: Diesel engines are used in power generation and heavy machinery. 2. What is knocking in IC engines? How can it be controlled? Answer: Knocking occurs when unburnt fuel in the combustion chamber ignites prematurely, causing inefficient combustion a...