Trending Topics for Python Based Projects Suitable for Engineering Programs l
Abstract : Elevate your skills with python projects you can complete on your own and flaunt in your development portfolio. Some Python project ideas: Rock, paper, scissors A fun project for beginners and intermediate users that uses a random function to make moves. Tic-tac-toe A classic game that can be created in Python without any external libraries. Calculator A good starting project for beginners that can use Python's Math module. Hangman A project that uses logic to display the game's progress and update it based on player guesses. Chatbot A project that involves training the program on large datasets to improve its conversation abilities. Mad Libs A creative project that prompts users to input words and then generates stories using those words. Web scraper A project for those interested in web development and data mining that uses Python's Beautiful Soup library to extract data from websites. Password generator A project that c...