
Showing posts with the label Similar Words!

What are Top Common Words So Often Confused and Misused? Discover Their Practical Use!

Abstract: Commonly Confused Words! About one-fifth of the Earth’s population speaks English either as their first or second language, and it’s very unlikely that there’s a big number of people who find this language easy. There are lots of complicated grammar rules, tons of small details that are very important to always keep in mind, many phrases that sound just weird, and thousands of other things to be aware of. Keywords : Similar, Common, Confused, Misused, Meanings You will learn the following after going through the article  1.What are top Similar words? 2. How they Differin use? 3. What's Alternate meanings? 4. How to use precisely? 5. Where it is used? Introduction   What is a similar spelling word? Homonyms are words which sound alike or are spelled alike but have different meanings. In a strict sense, a homonym is a word that both sounds and is spelled the same as another word. Think of the word “lie” which can mean “not true” or “horizontal or resting po...