
Showing posts with the label Categories of AI Tools !

Means and Ways to Succeed with Different Categories of AI Tools and Applications !!

Abstract AI capabilities have been evolving steadily since the breakthrough development of artificial neural networks in 2012, which allow machines to engage in reinforcement learning and simulate how the human brain processes information. AI continues to shift, meaning AI categories and AI terminology may differ (and overlap) from one source to the next. However, the types of AI can be largely understood by examining two encompassing categories: AI capabilities and AI functionalities. Keywords AI Tools, AI Functionalities, Strong AI, Weak AI, NLP, Machine learning,  Learning Outcomes  After undergoing this article you will be able to understand about categories of AI  1. Categories of AI  There are several categories of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including:  1.1. Reactive machines The oldest and most basic type of AI, these machines are limited and can't learn or improve over time. They can't create memories or use past experience...