Key Industrial Manufacturing Trends to Know and Set the Career Goals and Skills Enhancement of Engineers Accordingly : Update and Be in Demand
Abstract: With Industry 4.0, companies are transitioning to smart manufacturing, embedded with technologies such as IoT-based inventory, condition monitoring systems with remote access, digital supply chains, digital twins, and so on. Use of robots enhances productivity, safety and quality, leading to business continuity and increased efficiency of operations. 5G-based technologies can help in real-time prediction and detection of defects and damages. In manufacturing, the digital twin technology is being used for product development — high-precision connected tasks, energy management — and to troubleshoot or remove bottlenecks. Cybersecurity is a major issue because unprotected OT systems, old assets and ignorance of IT security measures create easy targets. In India, the overall pace of Industry 4.0 is affected by many factories being in remote areas. The rollout for an enterprise phase of 5G is still in a deployment phase. Keywords: Smart Man...