How to Evaluate Examination Answer Sheets Perfectly? Discover Tools and Techniques of Timely Result Processing and Publication
Abstract: The Examination and evaluation in an education sector is one of the mandatory function. Without evaluation it is impossible to issue credentials and certificates to students. That's why it is one of the most important topics for discussion now a days due to development of so many online or offline tools and techniques for evaluation purposes. The examination process is one of the key areas for any educational institution or university. It is a crucial evaluation process to grade students. In the case of theory exams, there is a traditional way of evaluating answer sheets. It is being followed by many universities and education institutes. Physical handling of the answer sheet has many logistical and administrative activities. The following are some of the key stakeholders of the answer sheet evaluation and result processing. Keywords: Examination, Evaluation, Question and Answer, Moderation, Results The blog article contents are outlined as follows: 1. ...