Elevate Yourself Possessing the Courage, Have Guts and Bring Success to Glory. Engineer Your Future with Proven Success Stories!
Abstract Success will not be achieved without hard work and struggle. Every man's dream is to be successful but achieving success is in your hands. Success begins with someone's efforts and hard work. If a person has a goal and does not try to fulfil his goal, then he can never achieve success . To be successful, a person needs to work hard and put in a lot of effort. Hard work is the most important key to success. Achievements without hard work are impossible . An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for a better opportunity to come. The person who is working hard is able to gain success and happiness in life. So no guts no glory. Keywords Guts, Glory, Success, Courage, Happiness, Life, Survival, Excellence, Planning, Risk. Learning Outcomes After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following 1. What's the Guts? 2. What's Glory? 3. How Guts and Glory arre interrelated? 4. What qualities are required to have guts ...