Fate and Destiny- What's Exactly? Find Top Strategies for Fulfilling Your Destiny!
Abstract : “ Destiny and fate have a way of aligning when you least expect it .” “Fate may lead us down different paths, but true love always finds a way.” “Sometimes fate intervenes and brings two hearts together.” “Fate is a powerful force, and I'm grateful for the way it brought us together.” Keywords : Destiny, Fate, Compassion, Courage, and Willpower Learning Outcomes This article explains the differences between destiny and fate, summarize in detail what each concept means, the nature of control in human life and how you can work towards fulfilling your personal destiny (is it really possible?). To find out the answers to some of these top questions, let’s dive in. An Introduction Destiny and Fate are two subjects that are commonly confused. Both of these terms are often used interchangeably in conversation but what is the difference between destiny and fate? Is there a difference between destiny vs. fate? There are some significant differences betwee...