
Showing posts with the label Python Tuples

Chapter 4: Key Data Structures and Strings in Python

Abstract : Python boasts a rich set of data structures that are fundamental to programming. Here's a breakdown of the key ones: Built-in Data Structures: Lists: Ordered, mutable collections of elements. Ideal for storing and manipulating data. Tuples: Ordered, immutable collections. Useful for representing fixed collections of data. Sets: Unordered collections of unique elements. Efficient for membership testing and eliminating duplicates. Dictionaries: Unordered collections of key-value pairs. Enable fast retrieval of values based on their keys. Strings: Strings: Immutable sequences of characters. Essential for handling text-based data. Key Operations: Lists: Appending, extending, inserting, deleting, slicing, indexing, sorting, searching. Tuples: Accessing elements by index, unpacking, concatenation. Sets: Adding, removing, union, intersection, difference. Dictionaries: Adding, updating, deleting, accessing values by keys, iterating over keys/values. Strings: Concaten...