Exploring Punctuation for Making Meaningful Sentences ! Learn Skills How, Where, When and Why - A Simple Punctuatuation Adds Academic Value !!
Abstract: Most guides to punctuation usage are organised under the different punctuation marks. Thus, you can look under 'commas' and find ten different uses of the comma listed, and so on. This is fine if you want to make a full list of all the different things punctuation can do in English. However, it is not so convenient if you have an idea of what you want to do, but don't know which punctuation mark - if any - should be used. This guide is organised according to the functions of punctuation, the different things that punctuation can be used for. Hopefully, it will be useful for looking up the solution to specific problems. It is not intended as a systematic and complete account of English punctuation, but concentrates on areas of punctuation use that often cause difficulty. Both British and American systems of punctuation are described in cases where these differ. Keywords Punctuation, Punctuation Marks, System of Punctuation, English Language, Academic ...