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What's Awesome Features of Microsoft Word? Learn Them and Use Them to Make Your Document Most Relevant!

Abstract: With so many features packed inside each Microsoft application, it’s easy to overlook some that can really add value to your daily workflow.  Below is a list of some of the features you may have never noticed but will quickly become part of your daily routinein Microsoft Word.  Keywords:  Microsoft Word, Short Cut Keys, Hyperlinks, Design, Formatting, Window Learning Outcomes After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following:  1. What's MS Word ? 2. Why MS Word is important? 3. What are top MS Word features? 4.  What are top MS Word  features? 5. What's the advantages of MS Word? 6. Where is the uses of MS Word? 7. Conclusions 8. FAQs References  Introduction 1. What's MS Word ? Microsoft Word is a much-known software that allows its users to type in and process the words digitally. The purpose of using a word window can be to create text documents which can be saved or transferred digitally or even can be...