
Showing posts with the label Why Married?

Why Get Married? Unearth 9 Vital Reasons Prooving Essentiality of Marriage.

Abstract: Why is marriage more than a formal declaration of love and commitment between two people? The institution of marriage has undergone significant changes over time. In the past, marriage was often seen as a necessity for establishing a family and ensuring the financial security of both the husband and the wife. In many cultures, marriage was also a way for individuals to gain social status and fulfill religious or cultural obligations. Watch a classic black-and-white movie, and you pretty much know how it’s going to end. In an old-fashioned Western, the white-hatted hero will ride into the sunset. A monster movie? The monster won’t survive to the credits (until the next sequel comes out, that is). And if it’s a romance, you’re bound to hear wedding bells — a Hollywood-made happy ending. But today, in real life, wedding bells aren’t ringing all too often. Despite that People prefer to marry. Why people Marry ? There are many different reasons why people choose to...