Why OOPs and Cloud Computing are Considered Complimentary to Each Other !!
Cloud computing Cloud computing is the delivery of computer services over the internet . It allows users to access files and applications online, without the need to store them on their own device. Here are some examples of cloud computing: Software as a Service (SaaS) : A service that provides cloud-based applications, such as email, calendars, and office tools. Users pay for these applications on a subscription basis. Platform as a Service (PaaS) : A service that provides a platform for developing, managing, and delivering applications. Users pay for resources from a vendor on a pay-as-you-go basis. File sharing and data storage : Services like Dropbox allow users to store and share files online. Big data analysis : Services like Civis Analytics allow users to analyze large amounts of data. Data governance : Services like Carbonite allow users to manage their data. Cybersecurity : ...