Python-based project to build a customizable blogging website using Flask and SQLite !
Abstract: # Project Structure: # app/ # ├── # ├── # ├── route s .py # ├── templates/ # │ ├── base.html # │ ├── index.html # │ ├── p ost.html # │ └── ... # ├── static/ # │ ├── style.css # │ └── ... # 1. I n stall Flask and oth e r dependencies # pip instal l Flask Flask-SQLAlche my # 2. Create the Flask app and configure it (app/ from flask impo rt Flask from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy app = Flask( _ _nam e __) a p p.conf i g['SQ L ALCH E MY_DATABASE_URI' ] = 'sq l ite:///blo g. db' db = SQLAlchemy(app) # 3. Cr e ate the database models (app / class P o st (db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) ti t le = d b.Co lumn(db.String(1 00 ), nullable=False) content = db.C olum n(db.T ext, nullable=False) cre ate d_at = db.Co lumn( db.Dat eTime, default=datetime.utcnow) # 4. Creat e the routes and views (app/ from flask import render_temp late, r...