
Showing posts with the label and Manufacturing industries Question Answer

Popular Industry Specific Questions and Answers for Automotive, Aerospace, and Manufacturing

Here are answers tailored for Automotive, Aerospace, and Manufacturing industries: Technical Questions (Industry-Specific) 1. What is the difference between Otto and Diesel cycles? Answer: The Otto cycle (used in gasoline engines) operates on constant volume heat addition, with a spark plug initiating combustion. The Diesel cycle (used in diesel engines) operates on constant pressure heat addition, with combustion occurring due to compressed air temperature. Industry Application: Automotive: Otto cycles are used in petrol engines, and Diesel cycles are used in trucks and heavy vehicles. Aerospace: Gas turbines operate on the Brayton cycle, but Diesel engines are used in auxiliary power units. Manufacturing: Diesel engines are used in power generation and heavy machinery. 2. What is knocking in IC engines? How can it be controlled? Answer: Knocking occurs when unburnt fuel in the combustion chamber ignites prematurely, causing inefficient combustion a...