Explore Collaboration Facts Between Foreign and Indian Universities: Uniting Knowledge Across Borders, Creating Opportunities for Quality Professionals !!
Abstract : According to the UGC guidelines, Indian universities can collaborate with foreign universities through "twinning arrangements", "joint degree programs", and "dual degree programs", allowing students to study part of their course in India and part in a foreign university, with the degree awarded by the Indian institution, and all collaborations must comply with the "University Grants Commission (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2022" to be recognized; key points include:: Twinning arrangements: Students can study some modules at a foreign university, with credits counted towards their Indian degree. Joint degree programs: A degree jointly awarded by both the Indian and foreign university, with students completing coursework at both institutions. Dual degree programs: Students can earn two separate degrees, one from the Indian university and one from the ...