How Cutting Edge Training Methods are So Important to Create Job Ready Professionals? How Learning and Development Can Help Transform Better Employability!

"The most successful are the most prepared and the most prepared are the most dedicated." is rightly said for training purposes and successful career thereafter. Organizational change management (OCM) is the discipline that offers stakeholder support, targeted communications and training to help ensure teams are ready to maximize the benefits of transformation projects. In particular, continuous learning and training are keys to ensuring an enterprise gets the full return on its investment. Two principles are especially critical for empowering your employee and students during times of change:
  • Use the 55-25-20 model for learning and development. This means that MOST learning – 55 percent – comes from hands-on experience while employees are actually doing their jobs. Another 25 percent comes from informal or social learning, such as coaching and collaborating with peers. Just 20 percent of professional development comes from formal training and similar educational events. 
  • Make sure users can access learning information while doing tasks. This goes hand-in-hand with the 55-percent figure above. 
Training: The extra step
Training is a planned process through which knowledge; skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviour of trainees are developed, modified, improved, and sharpened for desired job performance, career progression or human development. It can also be defined as,” the planned process to modify attitudes, knowledge, skills, behaviour etc. through learning to acquire effective performance in an activity or range of activities.” In other words, training is the art of learning with emotions. It is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills. 
Through learning to listen, coaching caring and counseling humanities and engineering programs ensures that the students get trained by the best companies which are committed to the effective selection and development of the students' talent. In addition to it in-house training from the very basics of communication to attitude building and motivational activities to endow the students with an overall development certainly adds competitive edge over others.

Objectives of Training 
The prime objective of the Trainings are:
1. To look for 100% employment for all trainees.
2. To recognize the core competencies.
3. To train the students to meet the expectations of the industry and skill needs
4. To build confidence in students and develop right attitude in them and 
5. To enhance their communication skills and develop their personality.

Training Activities :
Create awareness about “career planning" and "career mapping" among the trainees.
1. Equip the student with life skills.
2. Train the students on “Personality development".
3. Organize Various Training Programmes to train the students in the areas of Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and Verbal reasoning through the reputed external training organizations and in-house trainers.
4. Train the students through Mock Interviews to perform well in the professional interviews as per the expectations of the corporate world.
5. Train the students on group discussion techniques
Conduct online tests and written aptitude tests.
CE4S has well structured training path to spark success into minds of trainees. To cultivate the culture of winning ability, Online practice sessions are conducted for students to upgrade their aptitude and technical skills round the year with earmarking from basics to advanced and relating them with first Year to final year students.
Important topics included in preparation for interview 
Basic English Grammar
Evaluation Test (E1)
Theoretical glimpses
Related Worksheets
Self presentation
Simple conversations
Evaluation Test (E2)
Reading and Speaking
Reading Newspaper Articles
Speak about it
Advanced Writing Skills
Grammar worksheets
Situational Conversations
CV Making
Corporate knowledge
Latest News discussion
E-mail Writing         
Telephone etiquettes
Reading and Speaking
Situational Conversations
CV Making                           
Corporate Presentations
Discussions over current topics
Interview techniques
Business communication
Presentation of any topic (Public speaking)
Situational Conversation related to different topics
Attitude Building
Motivational Activities
 Body Language
Time Mgmt
Motivational Activities
Stress and Anger Management
Goal Setting
Interpersonal Skills
Relationship Building
Corporate Etiquettes
Sub Conscious Mind & Habits
Body Language
Time to time just before campus drive
Aptitude Basic Mathematics Moderate Questions & General Awareness (Practice) High level questions & General Awareness (Practice). Mock Tests
Technical Basic Science Technical test Brushing up sessions with Mock Tests. Technical PPTs, GDs & Tests

System Approaches to Training 
CE4S puts systems approach to training to make it cutting edge. As an institution CE4S systematic training consists of several  steps which are as follows:
1. Assessing Training Needs
2. Establishing Objectives & Criterion
3. Identifying Resources for Training
4. Developing Content & Curriculum
5_Selecting Methodology
For Providing Training
6. Helping Transfer of Learning
7. Evaluating Training-Effectiveness

To make the training a training edge & more significant, CE4S combines methods of techniques of training are employed whether they are on-the Job techniques or off-the 

Job Training Techniques

Job Instruction Method:
CE4S places the trainee directly on the job under the care of his immediate supervisor. This training is carried out in five steps: 

First, the supervisor-trainer of JEC explains to him the basic nature of the job, rules, procedures, methods, ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts ‘ etc. 

Second, the supervisor demonstrates to the trainee , step-by step, how the work is done, explaining every step carefully. 
Third, he makes the trainee practice the work in front of him repeatedly, guiding him every time when he falters because of lack of confidence or skill. At the fourth step the supervisor allows the trainee to perform simple routines at first at his own and then more difficult operations in his guidance. 

Lastly, the supervisor leaves the trained student free under his guidance and occasionally checks his progress and gives him more practical tips.

Vestibule Training:
In this method, the trainees, before being placed on the job, are trained, in a training-workshop attached in Training or any corporate sector or industry. This training is done on almost on identical equipment, but by trained faculty. Student find this training more systematic and complete because it moves on the principle of progressive learning, i.e. first learn the first step and then only move to the learning of the second step. This gives greater satisfaction and confidence to the trainee and saves costly equipment from misuse.

Job Rotation:
CE4S Training conducts training in which a student is moved systematically from one job to the other job, in such a manner that he learns and masters the nuances of different jobs of the same order and level in the same department or in different departments. This training gives him a wider exposure, develops in him multiple skills, allows management to use his services in different department on different jobs, and prepares him to assume supervisory responsibility for all the jobs he learnt during training. This is in real terms a Training Edge
Internship Training:
In this system a new student is ‘tutored and mentored’ by an experienced faculty and lab instructor explaining the intricacies of the job for a considerable period of time. Then the student is sent to the industry for internship as prescribed by the apex bodies. In this training, CE4S first emphasis is on the development of right attitudes and aptitudes and then on the intricacies of the trade and lastly on developing creative genius in the trade.

Coaching and Counseling:
To make students ready to be inducted in the job field from the day one, the management of JEC takes extra care through coaching and counseling of students by involving senior faculty and experts from outside to make them a better fit at the job and for improving their job skills and abilities.

Case Study Method:
CE4S provides written description of an actual situation in business which provokes, in the student, the need to decide what is going on, what the situation really is, or what the problems are, and what can and should be done. Taken from actual experience of organizations, these cases represent attempts to describe, as accurately as possible, real problems that managers face. Trainee students are allotted the cases to study and determine problems, analyze causes, develop alternative solutions, select the best and workable solution, then debate and defend their choices. 

Transformation in Learning and Development 

No matter the industry or company size, the reality of today’s workplace is that employees need to learn quickly while on the job. Rapid content-development platforms help create materials to use for the 20 percent of learning that’s still formalized. Social-collaboration platforms create a powerful form of crowdsourcing that can help with the 25 percent of informal or social learning. For the remaining 55 percent, advances in technology can help employees learn via video, through help buttons in the context of doing work, and with other innovative, collaborative tools similar to how they receive information in their everyday lives.

Change today requires a combination of creative methods to engage workers and quickly get them up to speed. This way, an organization can accomplish its implementation goals to save money, improve productivity, increase operational and budget transparency, create more stable services, and increase adaptability to future needs. With the support of an OCM team, companies will launch change projects with greater levels of adoption, user engagement and success

You will get New Life after Training. As a final point, CE4S believes that good human resource management is about nurturing and developing people. In a technical learning, like industry, banking and finance, great student service, to provide quality training with cutting edge technologies, is the cornerstone in achieving high levels of product in the form of promising trend setting professionals in the years to come.
CE4S has been a leader in training the next generation of creative thinkers who will pioneer new technologies, launch businesses and bring needed solutions to many of the greatest challenges facing humanity.
Learning is becoming more measurable, developable, and goal-oriented. Simultaneously, changes to work paradigms are making it (i.e. work) more virtual, spontaneous and hyper-connected. Decisions on when, how and where individuals learn can no longer be constrained to a specific time or place. Thus, the need to embrace digitization of learning has become a critical success factor for corporations.
