Smart Book Structure, Order, and Conventions : Core Principles for Dedicated Authors

A typical book structure is divided into three main parts: "front matter" (preliminary pages), "body matter" (the main text), and "back matter" (end materials), with each section containing specific elements that appear in a set order, including title page, copyright page, dedication, table of contents, chapters, bibliography, and index; while conventions may vary slightly depending on genre and style, following this structure ensures clarity and ease of navigation for readers. 

Key elements of a book structure:
Front Matter: Ideally No page number 
  • Front Cover : Displays the full title, author name, publisher information ( name only). 
  • Half Title Page: Contains only the book title. 
  • Title Page: Displays the full title, author name, publisher information. 
  • Copyright Page: Details copyright information, publication details, ISBN number. 
Page No  in capital ROMAN NUMERALS start from here as (I), (II), (III)
Ideally central aligned bottom of the page  
  • Dedication: A personal message from the author, if included. 
  • Epigraph: A short quote that may relate to the book's theme, sometimes placed before the main text. 
  • Foreword: An introductory essay written by someone other than the author. 
  • Preface: An introduction written by the author explaining the book's purpose. 
  • Table of Contents: An organized list of chapters and their page numbers. 
    • List of Tables : An organized list of Tables and their page numbers.
    • List of Figures: An organized list of figures and their page numbers.
    • Epilogue
    • Acknowledgments
    • Glossary
    • Bibliography or Reference
    • List of Appendices
    • Index 
    • Author Bio
Body Matter: 
Page No in NUMERALS start from here as (1), (2), (3) and continued
ideally central aligned bottom of the page  
  • Prologue: An introductory section that sets the scene or provides background information before the main narrative. 
  • Chapters: The main narrative of the book, divided into sections. 
  • Interludes: Short sections that break up the narrative, providing additional context or perspective. 
Back Matter:
Page No  in SMALL roman NUMERALS start from here as (i), (ii), (iii)
ideally central aligned bottom of the page  
  • Epilogue: A concluding section that wraps up the story after the main narrative. 
  • Acknowledgments: A section where the author thanks individuals who contributed to the book. 
  • Glossary: A list of specialized terms and their definitions, if applicable 
  • Bibliography: A list of sources cited in the book, especially in academic works.
  • Appendices : Organized inforrmation of Appendices.
  • Index: An alphabetical listing of key terms or names mentioned in the book, often found in non-fiction works. 
  • Author Bio: A short description of the author 
Important Considerations:
  • Genre Conventions:
    Different genres may have specific expectations regarding book structure, like the use of subplots or character arcs in fiction. 
  • Style Guide Adherence:
    Academic or professional writing often requires following a specific style guide (like APA, MLA or Chicago) for formatting and citation conventions. 
  • Readability:
    The structure should be organized in a way that makes it easy for readers to navigate and follow the narrative. 
