Business Leaders: Explore Top Tips and Tricks to Develop Your Leadership Qualities !!

Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present.

Need of a good business leader 

Organisations need leaders at every level to help promote business goals and encourage company culture. Establishing leadership qualities can position you as an indispensable employee or a strong candidate for an open role. Learning about different leadership qualities can help you identify where you already excel and where you can improve.

Let’s think about the costs of bad leadership:

Even before the Great Resignation of the COVID-19 pandemic, bad leaders cost their organizations in terms of reduced productivity and employee turnover. For example, it's estimated that poor leadership reduces team member productivity .

Additionally, bad leaders also cost their organizations by increasing the potential for employees to become burned out. 

The human costs of bad leadership are just as bad and include low employee morale and decreased job satisfaction. In other words, bad leaders are the difference between a job you love and a job you might leave.

Here is a list of qualities that a
Business leader should possess 
















Active listening


Good Communicator 






Ways to Develop Your Leadership Qualities

Now that we have a sense of the qualities of good leaders, what are some ways that you can develop and practice them? Good leaders are not made overnight. 

Consider these suggestions:

  • Test, try, improve: Start with small actions or changes to test and try, and then ask a coworker or friend for feedback. Use the list of qualities of good leaders as a starting point by picking one or two things you want to work on – and then give it a try. 
  • For example, if you want to increase your self-awareness, try a new way of speaking or acting in a meeting, and then ask a coworker for their feedback and see how closely it matches your perception of what you were doing.

  • Develop a support network: Start with one or two people who can become your mentors or accountability partners. 
  • Mentors help us to think differently about how we act and perceive things that happen in the workplace. Accountability partners help us stay on track with the plans we have made. 
  • Think about someone you appreciate and ask them to be your mentor or accountability partner.

  • Build relationships: Effective leaders are relationship builders. Start small and expand your network over time. 
  • You might want to start by trying to speak with one or two colleagues each week that you don’t typically speak with and take it from there. Soon you will have a wide network of relationships.

  • Learn more about good leadership: Take a course or an entire degree program. 
  • For example, if you are working on a bachelor's degree, consider adding an undergraduate concentration in leadership.

Consider this knowledge as a guiding light to leadership development as you leave a meaningful legacy behind for your successors to follow.
