The Signs that Prove that You are an Engineer by Heart ! Discover Them Blissfully!!

Aspire to inspire. Do you in the middle of your career journey? You are not in a position to chart your future course of action? And ... You posses these great qualities. Then certainly you are an Engineer by Heart. 

Look here the points
When you get a brand-new piece of tech do you immediately read the manual front-to-back? 
When people ask you to talk about yourself, do you start with ‘problem solver’? 

If so, the world of engineering might just be calling your name. Still need convincing? 

The following signs prove that you should be an engineer and
that this could be the career for you.

1. You are fond of fixing things
Whether it’s a phone, a bike or a car stereo, your mates are always coming to you when their things go kaput. Secretly you love when things cark it because finding a solution is a bigger adrenaline rush than skydiving. You can also be what could be politely described as persistent. The toaster may have literally caught fire but you’ll still try your hardest to get that bad boy working again before you give up and buy a new one.

2. You fond of taking things apart
“If it aint broke, don’t fix it” - where’s the fun in that?! If you can’t find anything to fix, you just end up taking things apart anyways. You love to learn more about a device by seeing what’s inside and potentially figuring out a better way for it to run.

3. You always need to use your hands
Speaking of fiddling with devices, tinkering and altering are basically your middle names. You can’t imagine doing a job where you aren’t using your hands. You’re probably prone to fidgeting as well.

4. Lego was your fave toy back in the day
You’d cop the searing pain from standing on a piece of lego any day just to muck around with those pieces. Why? You love to create! The word ‘engineering’ literally comes from the latin words ‘ingeniare’, meaning to create and ‘ingenium’ meaning cleverness. And that Star Wars lego spaceship you made was just that – a clever creation. You’re a prodigy!

5. You’re full of q’s
You’re Curious when it comes to engineering creations. Whether it’s special effects in a movie, a historical monument, the latest technological device or a solar power battery, you’re always full of questions like, “how did they do it?”, “why did they do it that way?”, and “how could I do it more efficiently and sustainably?”

6. Maths and science are your fave subjects
Sure, studying maths and science can cause you to bang your head against the wall in frustration but you love it. calculators, bunsen burners, protractors - it’s all music to your ears.

7. You want to change the world by your work skills 
From something as small as the earphones you use all the way to space travel, engineers have completely shaped our lives. They continue to change the world around us in diverse and far-reaching ways. They’re preventing climate change, elevating healthcare, and making daily life more accessible for everyone and anyone. Engineers have the potential to save the world, so if you’re ready to put on a superhero cape, this is the job for you!!
