Embrace the Conquering Techniques from Fear of Public Speaking ! Apply Your Wisdom, Be a Winner with Trusted Strategies !!

Fear is the anticipation of pain. Is your fear real or imagined? We tend to fear how people will judge us, whether we will be ridiculed, whether we will make mistakes, sound stupid and forget what we were going to say. We feel exposed in front of our audience, like we are going to be judged and criticised for everything we say and do. But feeling nervous and anxious before public speaking is totally normal. It is not something to be feared but rather to be expected, embraced and utilised to improve performance.
You may overcome fear by doing your best ground work as follows:
  1. Prepare by practicing aloud
  2. Remember why you were chosen to speak
  3. Don’t memorise a script word for word
  4. Don’t reply on technology, practice without it if possible
  5. Know your audience
  6. Pause and take deep breaths
  7. Create backup slides for audience questions
  8. Focus on the beginning and ending of your speech
Fear, Public Speaking, Meditation, Well Planning, Sound Sleep, Mental Thought

Learning Outcomes :
After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following 
1. What's exactly fear?
2. Why public speaking is a must for Success?
3. Why people fear to speak publically?
4. How to overcome fear of public speaking?
5. Advantages of public speaking
6. Do's and Don'ts of public speaking
7. What's the strategies be adopted for success in public speaking?
8. Conclusions
9. FAQs

1. What's exactly fear?
Fear is an intensely unpleasant primal emotion in response to perceiving or recognizing a danger or threat. Fear causes psychological changes that may produce behavioral reactions such as mounting an aggressive response or fleeing the threat.

2. Why public speaking is a must for Success?
Effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable for the job market. Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility.

There are many reasons why public speaking is important but the 3 that we believe to be the most significant are:

1. To Win Over the Crowd

An important skill to have in business and especially in the public relations arena is the skill of persuasion or the ability to win over the crowd. Inside and outside the workplace, the power of persuasion can carry you far and it all starts by honing those public speaking skills.

2. To Motivate People

A great public speaker attains the power to motivate his or her audience to do something, stop doing something, change a behavior, or reach objectives.

3. To Inform

The ability to inform is one of the most important aspects of public speaking.  From presenting research papers and PowerPoint presentations in school to presenting ideas and pitches to your boss or client, informative public speaking is a vital component of a successful career across all work fields. 

3. Why people fear to speak publically?
There are many reasons why people become afraid when having to speak in public.
Some top points are
1. Physiology
2. Thoughts
3. Situations
4. Lack of experience
5. Degree of evaluation
6. Status difference
7. New ideas
8. New audiences
9. Skills

4. How to overcome fear of public speaking?
Practice, and then practice some more.
Do it for some people you're comfortable with and ask for feedback. It may also be helpful to practice with a few people with whom you're less familiar. Consider making a video of your presentation so you can watch it and see opportunities for improvement.
  1. Prepare by practicing aloud
  2. Remember why you were chosen to speak
  3. Don’t memorise a script word for word
  4. Don’t reply on technology, practice without it if possible
  5. Know your audience
  6. Pause and take deep breaths
  7. Create backup slides for audience questions
  8. Focus on the beginning and ending of your speech
5. Advantages of public speaking
Here are the points of Benefits of Public Speaking Skills :
  • Boosts confidence.
  • Career Advancement.
  • Personal development.
  • Improved communication skills.
  • New social connections.
  • Personal satisfaction.
  • Expanded professional network.
  • Persuasive abilities.

The brief description of the top advantages are the following 

Boosts in Advancing  Career 

Public speaking can boost your career in the following ways:

Sales Management – If you’re in sales, good public speaking skills mean more sales and happier customers.

New Opportunities and Networking – Being a confident speaker can help you in job interviews and convince your boss to give you that promotion.

Stand Out from the Crowd– Not everyone speaks up at work, but when you do, you show confidence and leadership.

Strong in Team Building – Public speaking brings people together, making teamwork stronger.

Establish as Thought Leader – People look up to good speakers, making you a go-to person for ideas and advice.

6. Do's and Don'ts of public speaking

Public Speaking Dos
  • Be Prepared and be Prepared to be Flexible. Know what you are going to talk about. 
  • Bring Assistance – Notes & PowerPoint Presentation. 
  • Smile and Be Welcoming. 
  • Slow Down and Relax. 
  • Engage with Your Audience. 
  • Don't Be Over-rehearsed – Be Real. 
  • Don't Ignore Your Audience. 
  • Don't Disrespect Your Audience.

7. What's the strategies be adopted for success in public speaking?

Strategies to do public speaking:

Know who you’re talking to. Instead of focusing on yourself during your speech, remember that it’s about them.

Consider who your message is meant for before you start writing it. Find out as much as you can about your audience. Your word choice, information level, organisation pattern, and motivating message will all be influenced by this.

1. Organise your information in the most efficient way to achieve your goal

Make a plan for your speech and stick to it. Make a list of the major points, including the topic, general-purpose, particular goal, and primary concept. In the opening 30 seconds, be sure to capture the audience’s attention.

2. Please pay attention to feedback and make adjustments based on it

Don’t lose sight of who you’re speaking to. Keep an eye on their emotions, tweak your message as necessary, and be open to new ideas. Even the most committed listeners will be confused or lost if you deliver a prepared speech.

3. Allow your uniqueness to shine through

Stay true to yourself and avoid sounding like a broken record in any communication. By letting your personality come through, you’ll gain credibility, and your audience will have more faith in what you have to say.

4. Use humor, stories, and language that is clear and concise

If you inject a humorous tale into your presentation, your audience will be captivated. A personal touch in a speech is typically well-received by the audience. That information can be found in a story.

5. Read only when necessary. Create an outline of your tasks and work from it.

Breaking the interpersonal connection by reading from notes or slides damages the relationship. You keep the attention on yourself and your speech when you maintain eye contact with the audience. A concise outline can act as a good memory aid and help you stay focused on what you’re doing.

6. Make effective use of your voice and your hands. Leave out twitches and jerks.

The majority of information is conveyed through body language and facial expressions. A good performance does not draw attention to itself but effectively and unobtrusively delivers the speaker’s thoughts.

7. To keep readers’ attention, start with a bang and finish strong

Does it excite you when a speech begins, “Today I’ll talk to you about X.” Most people aren’t aware of it. Instead, use a shocking statistic, an intriguing anecdote, or a brief quotation to make your point. Finally, leave your listeners with a great conclusion and a lasting impression.

8. Conclusions
Fear of public speaking is really nothing more than fear of the unknown when you're unprepared. When you're ready for anything, fear gets replaced with confidence. Preparation breeds confidence and confidence allows you to get in front of an audience so you can give them your very best.

9. FAQs
Q. How can you overcome your fear of public speaking?

  1. Know your topic. 
  2. Get organized. 
  3. Practice, and then practice some more. 
  4. Challenge specific worries. 
  5. Visualize your success. 
  6. Do some deep breathing. 
  7. Focus on your material, not on your audience. 
  8. Don't fear a moment of silence.

Q. 2. How Do I Prepare For A Speech?


In a nutshell, do the following:

  • Brainstorm every message you could say to this audience on the topic at hand
  • Narrow it down to the top five
  • Brainstorm on a story or two and an example for each message point and come up with a fact or a number for each message point
  • Create a simple, one page outline that has no more than three or four words per line
  • Practice the speech on video; you can even use your own cell phone.
  • Keep practicing until you like it

Q.3. What Is The Best Way To Start A Presentation?


The best way to start off your presentation is by saying something interesting to your audience. You don’t have to start with a joke.

It doesn’t have to be something amazingly emotional and compelling, but you do need to start off with something of interest to your audience.

Most speakers start off with:

  • “Good Morning”
  • “As you know, my name is…”
  • “My title is…”

That’s how most speakers start. And guess what – it’s deadly dull.

So, what I recommend is dispensing with all the phony baloney. Start by getting some content, some ideas and/or some messages of interest to your audience.

And if you start with a story – even better. Do that and you will hook them and they will stay with you for the rest of your presentation.

Now, if you want to thank the person who invited you or introduced you during the middle of the speech, do it near the end.


The most useful Great Books About Public Speaking are the following according to me: 

1. Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds—Carmine Gallo

2. The Art of Public Speaking—Dale Carnegie

3. “The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything… Fast!” Josh Kaufman

4. “Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of History’s Greatest Speakers” James C. Humes

5. The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barbara Pease and Allan Pease
