What's Exactly Sustainable AI? Discover Why Required, It's Features, Elements, Application and Benefits+ Much More...!!
These are the features of AI that make it unique:
- Eliminate dull and boring tasks
- Data ingestion
- Imitates human cognition
- Futuristic
- Prevent natural disasters
- Facial Recognition and Chatbots
- 24/7 availability. One of AI's biggest, and most cited, advantages is its 24/7 availability. ...
- Scalability. ...
- Improved accuracy and reduced rate of error. ...
- Enhanced safety. ...
- Performs mundane and repetitive tasks.
- Zero Risks
- Lacks Creativity. AI systems are excellent at pattern recognition and can generate solutions based on past data. ...
- High Costs. ...
- Amplify Biases. ...
- Requires Monitoring. ...
- Limited Understanding of Context. ...
- Job Displacement. ...
AI requires a significant amount of energy to process data and train algorithms. As a result, it is essential for you to use renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to reduce your carbon footprint.
2. Consider the entire lifecycle of AI systems
It’s crucial to consider the entire AI lifecycle, from development to decommissioning.
AI models require continuous training and updating, generating a significant amount of data and consuming energy. You can reduce their environmental impact by using efficient algorithms, compressing data, and recycling old hardware. Practically, you could do so by:
- researching the most efficient means for sourcing and managing data;
- requiring your third-party developers to make sustainability part of their development process; and
- engaging with hardware providers that have a programme for recycling unusable hardware.
3. Prioritise ethical AI
Sustainability is not just about the environment but also about social responsibility. It means prioritising ethical AI to ensure your AI systems are fair, transparent, and unbiased.
By taking this approach, you can avoid negative social and environmental impacts that may arise from AI systems.
4. Develop beneficial AI
Sustainable AI requires you to develop AI systems that benefit society.
You can use AI to address some of the world’s most significant environmental and social challenges. For example, you could use AI to optimise energy usage, reduce waste, and improve sustainability in supply chains.
5. Cultivate collaboration
Collaboration is essential to achieving sustainable AI. Ideally, it would be best if you collaborated with other organisations, research institutions, and governments to share best practices and develop new solutions. By working together, you can contribute to AI that will benefit current and future generations.
What is Green AI for sustainable development?
Green AI represents a promising alternative to integrate sustainability aspects into the development of AI processes and applications without neglecting economic interests. The term "Green AI" refers to AI research that aims to reduce environmental impact by using resources more efficiently
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