How to Make Effective Lab Report in Engineering? Discover Tips and Tricks to Ensure Students Success!!
The abstract provides a brief overview of the practical work, including key results and conclusions.
Keep your abstract short, about one paragraph or 250 to 500 words. It must be clear enough that the reader can understand the key points of the report without needing to read the rest of it. In general the abstract should answer six questions. Addressing each question should only require one to two sentences:
- Why was the experiment conducted? (Big-picture/real-world view.)
- What specific problem/research question was being addressed?
- What methods were used to solve the problem/answer the question?
- What results were obtained?
- What do these results mean?
- How do the results answer the overall question or improve our understanding of the problem?
Note that there is no need to include background information such as motivation or theory. Shorter lab reports may not require an abstract so check you report guidelines first.
The example abstract below clearly states what the student did, how the student did it, what they found and what it means in relation to their aim. Notice how brief each of these points is.
The following template, including the title page, has been prepared to guide the students for writing good experimental lab reports in mechanical engineering lab courses. The students are advised to note the following rules regarding the labs and lab reports:
The posted safety rules in the labs must be strictly observed.
Must come to the lab on time.
Must be prepared prior to the lab by reading the lab manual and completing all assigned pre-lab work for the experiments.
Unless otherwise stated, the lab reports are to be written in groups with contribution of each member clearly identified in the report.
Must actively participate in performing the experiments, and should also take an active role in writing a group report.
Primary and secondary contributors must be indicated in each section of the report.
For each lab experiment, a peer and self evaluation form must be prepared by each team member and submitted to the lab instructor separately.
The report must be submitted by a team leader selected for each report. The team leadership must rotate during the semester.
Unless otherwise stated, all reports are 100 points.
Unless otherwise instructed, lab reports are due two weeks from the date the experiment is performed.
Late submission of lab reports will be penalized by 10% per day.
No lab final lab grade will be assigned unless all reports are submitted.
The purpose of the lab program is to both provide a personal experience of the physical principles and also give students practice communicating their findings in a clear, concise manner with easily identifiable objectives, metrics, and results. All lab reports in the curriculum should be written using the same format.
We have selected it because it is clear and concise and will provide consistency across the program.
Title page
Measurement Methods (spot checks)
Analysis and Results
Discussion and Conclusions
Students should arrive to perform a lab able to describe the goal of the lab and the methods that will be used. If data sheets are supplied as part of the lab, students should bring them to the lab. If there are no data sheets supplied, students should arrive at the lab with a data template they created. Students should also be prepared to complete their spot checks as they perform the lab.
General Tips:
- Reports should be written in third person. Occasional usage of first person is allowed in order to alleviate overuse of the passive voice.
- Any figure or table that appears in the report should be numbered and referred to in the text of the report.
- The report should be written concisely.
- Many writing errors can be eliminated by reading the report out loud to oneself.
2. Aims and objectives of Lab Report
Place your objective and introduction here. State the objective clearly in a complete sentence. A few explanatory sentences may be included, if needed.
The objective should answer the question: What is the experiment designed to determine?
The introduction must start in a separate paragraph; it provides explanation of the engineering problem. It explains the significance as well as any significant background information of the problem.
3. Structure of Lab Report
The structure of Lab Report Format should contain the following
Title page
Measurement Methods (spot checks)
Analysis and Results
Discussion and Conclusions
A Brief of each element of the structure
Title Page:
This should include the title of the lab, course number, names of all members of the lab group, and the date on which the lab was performed. Please make this a separate page.
Write this as if it is going to your boss. How will they know what this report is about?
This should briefly state in your own words what you are trying to accomplish and why you are performing the experiment. Do not simply copy or paraphrase the lab handout.
Success Tips:
DO NOT write a question. DO NOT re-write the lab handout. Give a synopsis of what you did, why you did it, and major principles you employed to do it. NO FIRST PERSON.
This should explain the relevant theory that describes the physical principle of the lab. Equations should be properly numbered (in parentheses on the right margin), and all variables should be explained in the text. Be sure to properly document any derivations that are appropriate for the lab.
Success Tips:
Prove you know the concepts behind what you used. Do it briefly, concisely and correctly. You must do a little reading on the topic and put things into your own words. Equations MUST BE TYPED. ALL variables must be defined. A nomenclature section as an Appendix can be referenced.
Measurement Methods (and spot checks):
This should explain the measurement techniques, equipment used, and procedures to be employed in the lab. It is almost always desirable to do an analysis of some data points in the lab while the experiment is running. This is called a spot check. A spot check permits you to see if the results make sense, or if the experiment is generating data that is obviously erroneous and either the experiment or your method of analysis needs correcting. Your prelab preparation should identify the relevant equations, along with the necessary unit conversions & constants to reduce in-lab time. Then in the lab, you will only need to plug in your experimental values. The method for performing this spot check should be described in this section.
During the lab, be sure to make a note of problems with the equipment, if appropriate and include this information in your final report.
Success Tips:
DO NOT re-write the lab handout. DO NOT write a list of steps. In a technical report, you summarize what you did in prose format. You may use present or past tense, but be consistent. Give enough detail that a competent person could re-do exactly what you did and obtain the same results. Make sure you mention all components used and how they were used.
Analysis and Results:
This section should summarize and display the results of the experiment. This section should be purely factual, where the results are displayed primarily in the form of graphs. Describe the results clearly and concisely. Do you see expected trends? Figures should be numbered and have a caption below the figure. Use tables if appropriate. Tables should be numbered, and have a title above. Cite equations from previous sections as necessary.
Figure axes should be properly labeled, with proper units. If you have multiple trends to show, make sure to include a legend that compensates for black and white printing if you don’t have access to a color printer (ie, use distinct symbols)! Use linear or log scaling where appropriate. If you are going to comment on how two results compare then they need to be plotted on the same graph. Do not include graphs of each individual trial. Combine them into composite figures for easy comparison.
Success Tips:
Introduce and discuss all tables and figures within text – do not just throw them in. Use proper units and significant figures.
Discussion and Conclusion:
This should examine whether the lab satisfied the stated purpose, and explain what you have observed and learned. Try to explain any differences that you observed between theory (or accepted experimental data) and experimental results. What are the implications of your results?
How could they be used in the future?
What different methods could you use in the future?
What parameters were more important in design, less important?
If you used information from external sources (ie, other than the lab manual or your own work), be sure to cite these references using appropriate bibliographic style. Quoting references without a proper citation is plagiarism.
Place your references here. Itemize any books, publication or websites that you referenced in compiling your report. Provide authors, publisher, date of publication, page number, etc.
Success Tips
Tips: Follow the standard format for typing a reference:
[1] Little, P., and Cardenas, M., “Use of Studio Methods in the Introductory Engineering Design Curriculum,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90, No. 3, 2001, pp. 309-318.
[2] Nunally, J., Psychometric Theory, 2nd ed., New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
The raw data from the lab should be included in an Appendix. Sample Calculations can be included in an appendix. Data tables that are not crucial to the discussion in the lab of the results but may be helpful to the reader as a reference can be included as an appendix. The use of appendices helps to unclutter the lab report.
[Primary Contributor: ; Secondary Contributors: ]
A. Data Tables
Place your data tables here. Data tables are for the convenience of the extremely interested reader. These tables may contain any additional comparisons or calculations that you have prepared. RESULTS may contain only summaries of your work. Data Tables are the place to show everything that you did.
B. Sample Calculations
Place your sample calculations here. Demonstrate how you performed the calculations made in the experiment. Include tabular results of computations where such are made. Show the generic calculations to support all your work. Provide any computer or calculator program listings, along with sample input and output. Use equation writer in Microsoft Word or neatly write the equations by hand.
C. Equipment List
Place your equipment list here. Every piece of equipment used in the experiment should be listed. Unique identification numbers should be provided, when possible. The accuracy and/or the readability of the instruments should be given. Specimens are not equipment.
D. Raw Data Sheets
Attach your raw data sheets to the end of the report. Data sheets must be completed in ink and signed by the instructor at the completion of the laboratory period.
In the case of an error, simply line through the mistake, initial the mistake, and continue. The name of the recorder and the group members should be indicated on the raw data sheets.
More Info on Graphics:
- Introduce each graphic before it appears in document.
- Readers will not know the purpose of a graphic until you tell them. NEVER include a graphic without mentioning it in the text. This includes stuff in an Appendix.
- Place the graphic as close as possible to its discussion in the text.
- To avoid confusing people, don’t make your readers flip forward/backward unnecessarily.
- Label each figure and table with a number and a caption.
- Your graphic should be able to “stand” on its own – the reader may only see the graphic and caption… make sure they know what it means.
- Present the graphics professionally.
- Sloppiness undermines the quality of the document. Take your time to do it right.
- Make sure the graphic is large enough to see clearly, and of high enough resolution.
- Seems obvious… but if your graphics aren’t 100% legible, they’re 0% useable.
- Avoid cluttering the document with unnecessary graphics.
- As with any good thing, too much can be a problem. Use graphics to enhance understanding of material, In long reports, redundant pix can be moved to an appendix.
Avoiding Plagiarism:
It can be difficult when you’ve collected information from a variety of sources to avoid representing someone else’s words or ideas as your own. Please note, these are some examples of plagiarism:
- Copying a phrase, sentence or passage from a source and not giving credit to the original author;
- Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without acknowledging the source;
- Allowing someone else to write significant portions of your document for you without admitting the help;
- Forgetting to place quotations around another writer’s words;
- Copy/pasting figures, tables, equations without citation;
- Using values from books without citing the source.
Arriving at an understanding of the material which coincides with what others also understand is expected. The engineering concepts do not change over time. Expressing your understanding in your own voice with your own words though is important. Thus, copying part of a lab from a previous year or from an online resource when it describes your understanding as well is still plagiarism.
4. Conclusions
Place your conclusions here. State your discoveries, judgments and opinions from the results of this experiment. Make recommendations for further study. Suggest ways to improve the results of this experiment.
Success Tips
Tips: Consider that in the real world, after graduation, upper management is very likely to read only your RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS. Beyond that, the chances are that only your figures will be skimmed. Make the most of these sections.
5. FAQs
Some more ideas for your success in writing a good lab Report
It's a good idea to write out all the formulas you use in your calculations. Personally, I like to work through the problem using just the formula, and then plug in the numbers at the end to get my final answer.
Also, show all of your work.
One more point is to be sure to include the units when you are doing a calculation, and don't drop the units halfway through the calculation. This is actually a pretty powerful tool because if your answer has the wrong units you know you must have made an error somewhere along the way. Conversely, if your answer has the correct units, you could still be wrong, but at least you are on the right track (and probably much of the time your answer is correct, too!)
You can even do the calculation using just units and no numbers and see if the units cancel out in the right way to test if you method is good (this is called dimensional analysis).
The conclusion is alot like the introduction except, instead of a summary of what you are going to do, it's a summary of what you did. The reason you have a conclusion is because your lab report might be long and the reader may not remember all the important points that you stated. Also, it gives you a chance to explain anything that might have gone wrong or could be improved, as well as propose future experiments. Like the introduction, it should be short and to the point. Again, these are only my suggestions, but here's what I think you should always include:
What you did:
Reiterate your procedures briefly (including any changes you made).
What you found:
Restate any results that you may have calculated (with errors if applicable). You don't need to include the raw data, but if you calculated an average over several trials, state the average (not each trial). Usually you want to report the results as x +/- y (like 2.345 +/- 0.003), where y is the absolute error in x. Another option, if you calculated the relative error, is x +/- z% (like 2.345 +/- 0.5%), where z is the relative error.
What you think:
What do your results mean? Are they good? Bad? Why or why not? Basically, comment on the results. If your experimental error (RAD, RSD) is small or large compared to the inherent error (the error in the standards and equipment used), comment on what this means, too.
Speculate on possible sources of error.
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