
Showing posts from June, 2024

Why Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication is Top Choice of Students? Find Reasons !

Abstract : If you want to be a journalist or another type of mass communication professional, we understand how difficult it is to explain the scope of BJMC. In this blog, we will show you and the people in your life how a BJMC degree can be profitable and rewarding in today's world.  Keywords Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Professor, Graphic Designer, Photographer, RJ, Film-Maker Learning Outcomes After undergoing this article you will be able to understand about the Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication and job roles can be found with this qualification  Why BJMC ? Here are four reasons why you should pursue a career at BJMC:   1. A Creative Platform That Is Rewarding Making a living from one's art is the most difficult task for a creative person. Yes, for many of us, art can be a very inclusive and personal affair, but one also needs to sustain oneself, unless paintings can feed and poetry can pay the bills. A Bachelor of Journalism and Ma

Key Areas of Sustainable Engineering ! Find Out Precisely!!

Abstract : With a global population of over eight billion, we consume a significant amount of earth’s resources every day. Unfortunately, not only natural resources are limited, and irreplaceable, but certain resource extraction practices may irreversibly deteriorate the ecosystem.  To maintain a continued supply of resources, we must sustainably engage with our environment and strive to preserve resources for future generations. Sustainability solves these difficulties by protecting and maintaining our environment and ensuring the availability of resources.  Pertaining to this, Sustainability Engineering plays an important role in this effort, as seen by the growing popularity of courses and degrees in the domain. But what exactly is Sustainability Engineering, and what can a career in this profession entail? Let’s dig deeper into these concepts. What Is Sustainability Engineering? Sustainability engineering, often known as sustainable engineering or eco-engineering, is an