Why National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Ranking is Important ? Discover NIRF and Give Wings to Delivery of Quality Education in Your Institution !


The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was approved by the MHRD and launched by Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development on 29th September 2015.

This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions. The parameters broadly cover “Teaching, Learning and Resources,” “Research and Professional Practices,” “Graduation Outcomes,” “Outreach and Inclusivity,” and “Perception”.

India Rankings – 2016 based on this framework were released on 4th April 2016.

In India, there are a lot of colleges to choose from. So many that it can get confusing pretty easily. But just choosing a college is not the only thing. The college needs to be good enough as your career depends on the kind of college you choose.

The traditional way of choosing a college is by the word of mouth and researching the placement rate of colleges. These metrics may be useful but they do not tell the whole story. For example, a college might have a placement rate that is very high, but all the placements are in low paying jobs. This way, a metric can fool you.

The Ministry of HRD, Department of Higher Education, and Government of India came up with a solution for this in the form of NIRF ranking.


NIRF, Ranking Framework, Educational Institutions, Clarity, Diversity, Inclusions, Methodical

Learning Outcomes 

After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following:

1. What's NIRF?

2. Why NIRF ranking is important?

3. How NIRF ranking works?

4. What's the parameters of NIRF?

4. What's the advantages of NIRF?

5. Conclusions 

1. Ranking for Educational Institutions : An Introduction 
In order to encourage competitive excellence in higher education institutions, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was introduced in 2016 an uses objective criteria for assessing higher education institutions across the nation. 

Students who choose to pursue in the top arts colleges in India or intended to start careers in engineering, medicine, architecture, management, and other professional fields rely heavily on the NIRF. 

There are in excess of 10 boundaries based on that, a subtleties NIRF Report is made by the power. Let’s explore the importance of NIRF and its benefits in their educational institutions.

2. Why do you need NIRF for educational institutions?
Establishes Standards for Education Programs: The NIRF has established precise and precise guidelines for the education programs that are offered, and HEIs are required to meet these standards. 

The matrices for ranking are quantity-based, and the ranking system looks at every aspect of providing quality education, academic or non-academic. As a result, establishing precise standards in all important areas.

Aids Students in Making Well-Informed Decisions: 
India boasts over 4000 colleges and universities. Additionally, each of them asserts superiority over the others. This surely places understudies in a predicament when they need to pick the right school for higher examinations. Before applying for admission to the top arts and science colleges in India, there is a need to look at a lot of things. 

With its extensive evaluation system that incorporates a variety of parameters necessary to arrive at an informed decision, NIRF comes to the rescue in this situation.

Improves Institutional Ranking on a Global Scale: 
Although India has thousands of colleges and higher education institutions (HEIs), the majority of them do not rank well on a global scale. However, the NIRF ranking system inspires institutions to raise the standard of their education and service quality.
Provides Accurate Feedback: Without regular feedback from an authorized committee to highlight their shortcomings, colleges frequently become unaware of their performance. The NIRF ranking ensures that HEIs receive ongoing guidance regarding the areas in which they need to improve.

Institutions can address those weaknesses and achieve excellence by taking the necessary corrective actions.

In a similar vein, the institute’s rank has a significant impact on the number of businesses and organizations interested in campus placements. 

A good rank indicates that your institute’s students receive a comprehensive education and are up to date on market trends. 

As a result, it attracts more businesses to your institute and makes them desirable employees.

Competitive Edge : 
It demonstrates that one college is superior to others. It ensures that the general public has faith in your colleges and that you provide high-quality education.

Students leaning towards institution: 
One factor that students pay the most attention to when researching colleges is the institute’s ranking.

Campus Placement : 
The technological advancements of the 1990s were revolutionary. These ranking factors apply to the best colleges.

Word-of-mouth advertising: 
It indicates that the general public regards your institution favorably and speaks highly of it.

NIRF institutions a recognition in the herd of colleges: 
There are numerous best Engineering, arts and science colleges, schools of management and medical schools made it to the top 100 in their respective categories. Search a better college in your demographic reach best on NIRF ranking. Then find out the details of your preferred location to enroll now in the best ranking colleges.

How Does NIRF Work?

These are the steps involved in ranking a college under NIRF:

  • First, relevant data, like the infrastructure details, the facilities available, etc. is collected. It is noted that the data should be easy to collect and verify.
  • Then, a suitable metric is decided upon based on this data that gives weight to every subcategory. The overall score is calculated based on these weights.
  • Finally, the institutions are ranked based on this score.
How do you choose NIRF ranked institutions?
There are parameters used to determine the overall parameter score. These parameters are straightforward and straightforward, making them simple to comprehend. The criteria used to determine the best colleges in Coimbatore or any other universities in India are- teaching, education and resources, graduation outcomes, placements, research, professional practices.

What's the Points of Parameters of assessment and then ranking?

Robustness of Assessment Parameters :
The parameters demonstrate that campus placement is a significant factor in institute ranking. 

The NIRF rankings aim to gauge the institutes across various categories, based on various important quality parameters like student strength, PG and PhD enrolments, faculty-student ratio, faculty qualification and experience, financial resources, research and IPR outcome, graduate outcomes, placement quality, PhD completion, outreach, inclusivity, and peer perception. The institutes are ranked based on their overall absolute scores within their respective institute categories.

Here are the points in brief 

Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR)

  • Student Strength including Doctoral Students (SS)
  • Faculty-student ratio with emphasis on permanent faculty (FSR)
  • Combined metric for Faculty with PhD (or equivalent) and Experience (FQE)
  • Financial Resources and their Utilisation (FRU)

Research and Professional Practice (RP)

  • Combined metric for Publications (PU)
  • Combined metric for Quality of Publications (QP)
  • IPR and Patents: Published and Granted (IPR)
  • Footprint of Projects and Professional Practice (FPPP)

Graduation Outcomes (GO)

  • Metric for University Examinations (GUE)
  • Metric for Number of Ph.D. Students Graduated (GPHD)

Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)

  • Percentage of Students from Other States/Countries (Region Diversity RD)
  • Percentage of Women (Women Diversity WD)
  • Economically and Socially Challenged Students (ESCS)
  • Facilities for Physically Challenged Students (PCS)
  • Perception (PR) Ranking

Peer Perception

  • Academic Peers and Employers (PR)
Advantages Of Choosing Colleges Based On Their NIRF Rankings:

How can the NIRF ranking be beneficial to the institution or students or stakeholders.
The ranking of an institution is one factor that students pay the most attention to when conducting research on  colleges and universities. 

Picking the right instructive establishment is quite possibly the most significant and overwhelming errands in an understudy’s life. 

A higher ranking makes it possible for students and their parents or guardians to trust your institution.
  • Clarity: NIRF ranking system is devised by experts that know a lot more than normal folks. NIRF clears the confusion on which college is better as people don’t have to rely on traditional metrics to judge a college. Traditional metrics can be very misleading while the NIRF report is clear.
  • Transparency: Every year, the NIRF report for colleges is made public with detailed information about the metrics used to rank colleges. This means that anyone can check for bias and hence the report is always fair.
  • Diversity: NIRF ranked colleges are not ranked equally. This means that metrics are set definitely for different colleges based on their specialization. This means that an engineering college is not ranked the same way as a commerce college. You cannot compare a cat with a fish.
  • Methodical: The NIRF report is very methodical. This means that when you judge a college by its NIRF ranking, you can be sure that every aspect of the college is put under the scanner. Therefore there is no scope for an unknown variable that you might become a victim of.
As educational establishments strive to rise to the top, the NIRF ranking provides a number of advantages. This also indicates that more students apply for admission to top-ranked colleges and higher education institutions as a result of the public’s high regard for them. It is difficult to achieve NIRF ranking, as it expects quality of education.

