Unveiling the Significance of Dhanteras, Historical Background, Associated Rituals Greeting Each Other + Much More...!


Dhanteras is a celebration of spiritual victory and the Diwali festivities, spanning over five days. On this day, devotees worship Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Kubera and Lord Dhanvantari, the God of Ayurveda and health, seeking blessings for wealth, prosperity and well-being.


Dhanteras, Festivals, Health, Blessings, Wealth, Prosperity and Well-being.

What's Dhanteras exactly: An Introduction ?

The greatest Hindu festival named Diwali is kick-started with Dhanteras. In Nepal, the Tihar Festival starts with Dhanteras. The word Dhan is referred to wealth and Teras is referred to Thirteenth. Summing it up, the thirteenth lunar day of the Dark Fortnight or Krishna Paksha in the Vikram Samvat Hindu Calendar month of Ashwin is the day known to be Dhanteras. 

What is the purpose of the Dhanteras?

Dhanteras is considered one of the luckiest and best days to buy items. On this day, people purchase items made of brass, silver, and gold since it is believed that doing so will bring good fortune, success, and protection from the evil eye.

Where Dhanteras is celebrated? 

In every nook and corner of India, this is celebrated but the rituals may vary. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped, utensils and gold/silver jewelry are bought, and new business deals are done on this day for more wealth and prosperity.

What's rituals and Historical significance associated with Dhanteras?

Like all of our religious festivals, this festival is also linked with some famous mythological anecdotes. The story of King Hima is the most popular one. As per the legendary stories, an astrologer told King Hima on the fourth day after marriage. Upon hearing this prediction, his wife laid all her dazzling ornaments made from precious gold and silver at the threshold of the sleeping chamber and lit oil lamp in the evening. The Lord of Death, Yama was disguised as a serpent while he came to kill King Hima. 

The serpents' eyes were blinded by the shining jewelries and the brilliance of the lamps. Instead of killing King Hima, he climbed up the pile of jewelries and started listening to the stories told by the king's wife all through the night. Yama had to return without taking the life of King Hima. 

This day later came to be celebrated as Dhanteras and till today people lit up lamps and deck themselves with jewelries. To keep the family members safe from the hand of death, diyas or oil lamps are lit up.

Another story: Dhanvantari, the Lord of Medicine or Ayurveda : his relationship with Dhanteras 

Another legendary story says that Dhanvantari, the Lord of Medicine or Ayurveda who is another incarnation of Lord Vishnu took birth on this day from the Samudra Manthan episode, a cosmic battle between Gods and Demons who were fighting for Amrit or holy nectar from ocean water that makes one immortal.

A famous sage named Durvasa once cursed Lord Indra and said, "As the pride of wealth has entered your head, let Lakshmi leave you". This curse was true and Lakshmi left him and in turn Indra became weak and the demons entered the heaven and defeated him. After some years, Indra went to Lord Brahma and all of them went to Lord Vishnu to find a way where Lord Vishnu instructed them to churn the sea of milk. Because on churning, Amrit would come out and drinking that would make the gods immortal. The Gods and Demons both were struggling for this Samudra Manthan and Amrit-Pan. Mandara Mountain became the churning rod and Vasuki, the king of the serpents became the rope for this great work. Lord Vishnu himself took the avatar of a tortoise and lifted Mandara Mountain at his back. As the churning started, a beautiful and smiling lady came into view who was wearing a garland of Lotus, stood on a Lotus, and held a Lotus on her hand - she was none other than Goddess Lakshmi. 

What are the Hymns and how the holy water is showered on Dhanteras?

The sages started chanting hymns and showered holy water on her. Upon churning the sea more, Dhanvantari emerged carrying a vessel of nectar or the Amrit. Lord Vishnu then defeated the demons and gave the Amrit to the Gods. So, on this day of Dhanteras by worshipping the Tulsi and the Akashdeep, we emblematically pursue the kindness of Nature which is the definitive source of health and wealth. In addition to this "Laxmi-Puja" is performed in the evenings when diya of clay are lit to drive away the glooms of evil spirits.

One of the stories say that on this day Goddess Parvati played dice with her husband Lord Shiva and won. A custom of gambling or playing dice is followed among the tradesmen or businessmen so that prosperity and wealth never leaves them.

What is lucky for Dhanteras?

The festival of Dhanteras is considered an auspicious time as far as wealth fortunes are concerned. Purchasing items like gold and silver are considered to be symbols of wealth and prosperity and are believed to attract good luck and fortune.

Why is broom important on Dhanteras?

Purchasing a broom is considered to keep Goddess Lakshmi from leaving one's home. Bringing a broom home on Dhanteras is also said to assist one get rid of all debts and bring happiness and prosperity. To keep the house clean, brooms are regularly used in every family. Cleanliness is said to attract Goddess Lakshmi.

Mahurat for Dhanteras puja

This year, the Dhanteras falls on November 13. The Trayodashi Thiti starts at 9:30 PM on November 12 and ends at 5.59 PM on November 13. The Yama Deepa Shubh Mahurat is from 5.28 PM to 5:59 PM. The puja is performed after sunset and the Pradosh Kaal Mahurat is considered the best time for Puja. The Mahurat for this time is between 5.28 PM to 8:07 PM on November 13.

Things not to do during Dhanteras

The festival is considered auspicious to buy gold, silver, and metal items on this day. But there are things that should not be done or brought on this day:

  • Don’t take empty utensils: Buying utensils is auspicious but you should not take it empty. Fill it with water before taking it inside as a word around.

  • Don’t exchange gifts: Avoid giving gifts to each other as it is believed that you are giving away your good fortune.

  • Don’t wear black: It is advised that anything of colour black should not be brought home. Even wearing black should be avoided.

How to Greet relatives and knowns

This year, Dhanteras will be celebrated on Friday, November 10 across the world. Here are some short messages, wishes and social media statuses for Dhanteras that you can share with your friends and family

Happy Dhanteras 2023: 

This Dhanteras may goddess Lakshmi shower all the blessings on you and bring prosperity, happiness and joy. 

Happy Dhanteras 2023! 
Wishing you and your family a healthy and wealthy Dhanteras! 

May this Dhanteras, the lights of health, wealth and joy shine on you and your family. 

May this Dhanteras light up new dreams, fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues and fill your days

Likewise you may construct your messages and touch the heart and soul of millions!

May almighty bless you with opulence and prosperity. May you have a blessed Dhanteras with your family and friends.

Adorn our lives else trite - With sparklers that motley skies - As soaring spirits of powder wander - Let us thank the heavenly might in this festive season of lights.

Messages for Dhanteras 

  • Happy Dhanteras. May Goddess Lakshmi walk into your home and fill it with joy, prosperity and wealth.
  • May you always be guided by the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Durga and Lord Kubera, and may prosperity never leave your life.
  • Dear Goddess Lakshmi! Bless the recipient of this message with thirteen times Dhan on Dhanteras. Happy Dhanteras!
  • May this Dhanteras shower you with wealth and prosperity as you journey towards greater success. Happy Dhanteras!!
  • May this Dhanteras Celebration bless you with prosperity and abundance. Endless Happiness comes to your doorstep. Wishing you a very bright future in life. Shubh Dhantrayodashi 2023!
  • God’s blessing may come as a surprise. How much you receive depends on how much your heart can believe. May you be blessed beyond what you expect. Shubh Dhanteras.
  • Diyas glow for hours, Sun glows for a day, but my wishes for you are going to glow forever. Have a happy and blessed Dhanteras!
  • May goddess Laxmi bless your business to do well despite all odds. A very happy and prosperous Dhanteras.
  • May the festival of Dhanteras brighten your heart and home with happiness and fill it with sparkles of happiness and success…. Warm wishes on Dhanteras to you.
  • May your life be full of happiness and harmony with enough wealth to give you all the comforts you ever wished. Stay blessed. Happy Dhanteras!


Dhanteras festival, in its essence, is a celebration that epitomizes the desire for wealth and well-being. With its historical and mythological significance, rich rituals, and emphasis on financial stability, Dhanteras forms an integral part of Indian culture. It reminds us to appreciate the blessings we have, seek prosperity, and strive for a fulfilling life. As the lamps illuminate every nook and cranny, the festival unfurls the promise of brightness and auspiciousness for the days to come.


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