Fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT)





Smart devices fueled by the hyper connected Internet of Things (IoT) are becoming ever more prevalent and pervasive in our personal lives. Sensors are everywhere, and the trend will only continue. Today, sensor-equipped industrial equipment is powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Medical devices can self-diagnose and send alerts to patients and doctors to remotely manage healthcare. Automobiles with in-car connectivity can download new features on the fly. Very soon, refrigerators will plan your dinner — and ovens will know how to cook it.

"Simply, the Internet of Things is made up of devices – from simple sensors to smartphones and wearables – connected together," By combining these connected devices with automated systems, it is possible to "gather information, analyze it and create an action" to help someone with a particular task, or learn from a process. In reality, this ranges from smart mirrors to beacons in shops and beyond.

In this introductory Chapter, the learner will get to know about:

·         Introduction to the Internet of Things

·         How IoT works

·         Features of Internet of Things.

·         IoT Applications

·         Advantages of Internet of Things.


1.1 What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

IoT refers to the Internet of Things. It is a network of devices, appliances vehicles and others that have embedded with sensors, which enables them to connect and exchange data. In simple words, IoT refers to devices which share data in wired or a wireless network. Iot offers endless possibilities to the users. It can change the world with its power. The impact of IoT is felt by most of the business because it has not only changed the different methods of business information, but also the way how the information is collected and exchanged. IoT is impacting the world of business in various ways and this is the reason why demand for IoT course is on rise.

Brief History:

Kevin Ashton, in a presentation of Procter & Gamble in 1999, coined the term “Internet of Things“. Almost every area, device, sensor, software, etc are connected to each other. The ability to access these devices through a smartphone or through a computer is called IoT. These devices are accessed from a distance.

For example, an Air Conditioner’s sensor can gather the data regarding the outside temperatures, and accordingly adjust its temperature to increase or decrease it with respect to the outside climate. Similarly, your refrigerators can also adjust its temperature accordingly. This is how devices can interact with a network.


Fig1.1: An overview of connection of Internet with different things and systems


1.2 How IoT Works?

The entire process starts with the devices themselves, such as smartphones, digital watches, electronic appliances which securely communicate with an internet of things platform. IoT platform collects and combines data from multiple devices and platforms and applies analytics to share the most valuable data with applications to address industry-specific needs.

Let’s start with a simple real-life example- Rajesh, in between his road trip notices some problem with the check engine light, however, he doesn’t know the intensity of the problem. The good part is that the sensor that triggers the check engine light monitors the pressure in the inner brake line. This sensor is one of the many sensors present in the car which constantly communicate with each other. A component called the diagnostic bus gathers the data from all these sensors and then passes it to the gateway in the car. The gateway collects and sorts the data from different sensors.

Before this connection to happen, the car’s gateway and platform must register with each other and confirm a secure communication. The platform keeps on constantly gathering and storing information from hundreds of cars worldwide, building a record in a database. The manufacturer has added rules and logic to the platform. The platform triggers an alert in his car, after sensing the brake fluid has dropped below the recommended level. The manufacturer then sends him an appointment for servicing of his car, and the car’s problem is rectified.

Fig 1.2 : Architecture of IoT

1.3 Prerequisites for learning IoT

IoT or Internet of Things is revolutionizing the world of business with its capabilities. IoT has two major blocks, the device side and the cloud-internet side. The kind of languages will help out in the cloud-internet side definitely. The python will help you in doing the backend design for IoT server and a lot in designing IoT gateway.

For devices to have a good knowledge of C and C++ for embedded device programming and also should have the patience to work with hardware. Limited knowledge in lambda function is fine to start with but sooner or later it is needed

However, following prerequisites need to be met to conceptualize, build and have an IOT device to function as intended viz.

1.   Foremost, vivid knowledge on embedded software programming, micro-electromechanical engineering, sensor technology, wireless sensor design etc.

2.   Exceptional acumen to understand and create UI / UX that are contemporary and more user friendly.

3.   Strong technical know-how to store and handle big data.

4.   Data security and its analysis – since it is understood that millions of devices are connected over internet, which brings in massive amounts of data that need to be protected and analyzed.

5.   Importantly, knowledge of networking standards and technologies, protocols and it’s troubleshooting.


 1.4 Features of IoT

The most important features and reviews of IoT in areas of artificial intelligence, sensors, connectivity etc. are given below briefly:

Fig 1.3 Features of IoT

·         AI– IoT technically makes things smart, meaning that it enhances different aspects of life through proper usage of that data, networks, and algorithms. This can range from something as simple as improving or enhancing your refrigerator by embedding it with sensors that automatically detect when milk and eggs run low, to placing an order with your choice of the grocer.

·         Connectivity–The notion of networking doesn’t always have to restrict to large networks, it can also exist on a smaller and cheaper scale without compromising its efficiency. IoT comes into the picture and creates these small networks between its system devices.

·         Sensors–The true essence of IoT would not hold effective without sensors. They are basically the reason and the crux of why this technology stands out. They play a major role in defining boundaries of IOT by converting it from a passive to an active network.

·         Active Engagement–Today’s interaction between different connected technologies happens through passive engagement. IoT has set an example by bringing in active content, product, or service engagement.

·         Devices–Devices are more powerful, cheaper and smaller over time, Internet of Things purposely makes use of small devices to deliver its scalability, versatility, and accuracy.

Fig. 1.4: Prospects of IoT

1.5  IoT Applications

IoT has many applications, so let’s learn Applications of Internet of Things and discuss them one by one:

·         Healthcare Application: These days we have digital watches and fitness monitoring devices that have changed the ways of healthcare monitoring. People can now monitor their own health at regular intervals of time. These days if a person is being rushed to the hospital by an ambulance, his/her healthcare statistics are already given to the doctor, and the treatment gets started well in time. Also, data collected from different patients are now being put to use for the cure.

·         Energy Applications: The energy rates have become paramount. All Individuals and organizations, both are searching for ways to reduce and control the consumption of energy. IoT provides a way to monitor energy usages not only at the appliance-level but also at the grid level, house-level or even at the distribution level. Smart systems such as Meters & Smart Grids are installed at various organizations to monitor energy consumption.

Fig1.5: Applications of IoT

·         Education Applications: IoT’s yet another great application lies in the field of education. IoT helps in fulfilling the gaps and loopholes in the education industry. It improves the quality of education being offered to students by optimizing the cost. It also improves administration and management by taking into consideration students’ response and performance.

·         Government Applications: The smart city initiative by our government is an example of how efficient and big this technology is. Its incorporation in sectors like transportation, healthcare, armed forces, and security is commendable.



Fig .1.6 : Advantages off IoT

1.6 Advantages of IoT

IoT has created opportunities to directly connect and create a link between the physical world to the computer-based systems by using sensors and the internet. The interconnection of these multiple embedded devices results in automation of different fields thereby, enabling advanced applications. This would then result in improving accuracy, efficiency along with almost no manual intervention. It encompasses technologies such as smartphones, smart meters, smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation, and smart cities. Now, let’s discuss the major benefits of IoT, in this IoT Tutorial:

1.6.1 Customer Engagement Enhancement

IoT improves customer experience by automatically detecting problems and providing solutions. For e.g. as we discussed above, how an issue in Rajesh’s car was automatically detected by the sensors. The driver and the manufacturer will get notified about it. Till the time driver reaches the service station or a mechanic, the manufacturer will make sure that the faulty part is available at the service station and the problem is rectified.

1.6.2 Technical Optimization

If the technology is great, the experience is bound to be great. IoT has played a major part in improving technologies and making them better. Like in the above example, the manufacturer collected the data from different car sensors and analyzed it to improve its design.


1.6.3 Reduced Waste

With the latest technology, IoT provides real-time insights on crucial problems leading to effective decision making & management of resources. For example, if a manufacturer finds fault in engines of multiple cars, it might give him an insight on major fault and he can track the manufacturing plant of those engines and can rectify the issue with manufacturing belt.


1.7 Conclusion

With deep enterprise integration, the IoT architecture can deliver benefits such as improved efficiencies, reduced costs, increased sales, heightened customer satisfaction and the ability to create and lead new markets. To share data and insights, businesses need mechanisms such as application programming interface (API) gateways, service buses and custom connectors. This chapter has covered every detail that a beginner needs to know. It’s now time to take one step ahead: Learn about the working of IoT and surprise yourself with its operational procedure.

