
What's the Prerequisites to Learn Before Proposal to Start a Nursing Institution ? Discover, Lead and Excel in Making a Successful Venture!!

Abstract : Diseases more traditionally associated with westernised affluent lifestyles. The Indian health system is pluralistic, comprising public, private and voluntary sector facilities, of which the private sector is by far the largest provider. Since 2005, there has been enormous government investment into modernising and expanding Indias public healthcare system through the setting up of a new initiative - the National Rural Healthcare Mission. Health system reform is constrained however by an acute shortage of health workers at every level . In addition, poor health system governance (i.e. inadequate systems to monitor and regulate training institutions, professional practice and clinical standards within different settings) has been identified as a critical factor impeding efforts to improve quality and accountability, in both private and public sectors. India faces an acute shortage of nursing staff with an estimated deficit of 2 million . In the public sector alone

Self Care : What's Exactly, Why It's Important, Types of Self Care, Benefits and Strategies for Self Care + Much More...!!

Abstract Self-care is a term that describes doing activities that support your physical and mental health. These activities can help decrease your stress and enhance your energy and overall well-being. Some self-care activities are passive, like taking a bath, while others are more active, like exercising.  Self-care activities can range from physical activities such as exercising and eating healthy, to mental activities such as reading a book or practicing mindfulness, to spiritual or social activities such as praying or catching lunch with a friend. The important thing to remember about self-care is that it is about listening to what your mind and body need.  Physical Self-Care Examples: Eat a healthy meal Engage in exercise Go for a walk Drink water Practice good sleep hygiene  Have a cup of tea Sit in the sunlight Take a shower or bath Mental Self-Care Examples: Practice mindfulness Take a break Play video games Listen to music Read a book Listen to a podcast Reflect on

My World, My Choices! Perspectives on Ranking of Countries!!

Abstract My choices in life were made by myself, and I believe that we can make our own decisions. The reason why I think like that is that I was taught the way, and it is also thanks to my family who encourage me to make my own decisions. Thus, I am so grateful to my family for all of its support and for teaching me to believe in myself.  Beyond the essential ideas of broad access to food, housing, quality education, health care and employment, quality of life also may include intangibles such as job security, political stability, individual freedom and environmental quality. Through all phases of life, these countries are seen as treating their citizens well. Learning Outcomes After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the top countries in the world. This is of course my choices for my most beautiful world  Introduction   There are agencies continuously working for ranking of the countries. The ranking parameters developed are the following T