Commandments of God: Refine Your Thought, Define Your Blessed Life !

The 613 commandments, also known as mitzvot, are a set of laws given to Israel by God in the Old Covenant: 
  • Number of commandments
    The Bible doesn't explicitly state that there are 613 commandments, but this number is often cited. There's no universal agreement among Jews or Christians that this is the exact number of laws given by God. 
  • Positive and negative commandments
    The 613 commandments are made up of 248 positive commandments (things to do) and 365 negative commandments (things not to do). 
  • Some examples of commandments
    Some examples of commandments include:
    • Knowing that there is a God 
    • Not having other gods 
    • Knowing that God is one 
    • Loving God 
    • Fearing God 
    • Sanctifying God's name 
    • Not profaning God's name 
    • Worshipping God as ordered 
  • The Ten Commandments
    Ten of the 613 commandments are foundational moral laws that are inscribed on stone tablets and are considered to be within the conscience of every human being. 
In Kabbalah, the number 613 is considered to be very significant. It's believed that every complete entity can be divided into 613 parts, including the human body, the divine mitzvot in the Torah, and every Sefirah. 
