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Map Your Mind to Undergo FOSSEE - Internship 2025 at IIT Bombay by Making Aware with 2024 Information !!

FOSSEE, in association with ICFOSS, invites applications for the FOSSEE - ICFOSS Internship 2024. The students get an opportunity to work with the FOSSEE team for around 1.5 to 2 months. This is a remote (tentative) internship with support and mentoring by the FOSSEE team. 

To get shortlisted for the internship, select a project and choose a screening task from the table given below under screening task details. You have to complete at least one of the screening tasks. The selection will be purely based on the evaluation criteria of each screening task.

How to Participate?

This internship is ONLY for the students from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, pursuing any degree, and at any stage of their graduation/ post-graduation. Students desirous of getting selected for this internship have to learn a Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and complete some screening tasks. These tasks can involve programming/ scientific computing/ collecting data that will be of use to the community. These screening tasks are not very complicated and can be done in a week’s time.

Terms of Engagement: Remote (tentative) Full-time / Part-time. According to the hostel availability, it can be physical.

Last date of Registration

15 June 2024

Last date of Submission

30 June 2024

Result announcement

3 July 2024

Commencement of the internship

9 July 2024

  • To register, Please select one of the projects from the table given below and fill out this form to register.
  • The submitted task will be reviewed by experts/ mentors from the FOSSEE team.
  • After the review, the top submissions will be selected. The results of the selected fellows will be displayed on the website.
  • The fellows will get the flexibility to work full-time (8 hrs a day) or part-time (4 hrs a day) during the fellowship.

Please refer to the weblink URL of the respective project for details on the screening task.

Project NameScreening task description in briefWeblinkContact Email Id
eSim on CloudThe task needs you to auto-arrange wires. Please only do Task 1: Auto-layout of wiresViewSUB: eSim on CLoud Internship 2024
Arduino on CloudTry to complete any of the sub-tasks under Task 3. These are mostly bug fixing. Please do not attempt if mentioned as “Please do not attempt”ViewSUB: Arduino on CLoud Internship 2024
eSimTwo tasks to be attempted:
  1. Propose circuit simulations you wish to implement in eSim v2.3 or eSim v2.4 under Circuit Simulation Project.
  2. Figure out the dependency issues while installing eSim 2.4 on Ubuntu 23.04 and fix at least one of the issues. Please refer to the weblink URL for more details.
Join our slack channel
ScilabCreation of Scilab case
Osdag on CloudOsdag on
  • Task-1:

    This task is for testing the candidate's skill in developing Blender addons and the Blender Python API. There are 3 subtasks in this task with this category with increasing difficulty. 

  • Task-2:

    This Task is for testing the candidate's skills in GUI development and their ability to represent different data structures in the different manners in a GUI. Candidates are expected to create a GUI interface with the expected features mentioned in the tasks.
  • Opportunity to work with faculty from IIT Bombay
  • Certificate of Internship
  • Recognition on the FOSSEE website

Note: At the end of the internship, you may receive an honorarium depending on the quality of work.

  • Selected Interns’ names will be displayed on the FOSSEE website, alternately they shall also receive an email regarding the selection on their registered email id. So it is important to fill in the correct details in the registration form.
  • Once the Internship starts, every intern will be assessed every week based on the quality and quantity of the work. At any point, if the work is found unsatisfactory, the internship offer will be withdrawn.
  • The content submitted for the screening task as well as the work done during the internship shall be released in open source.
  • The decision of the FOSSEE team in declaring the results will be final. No queries in this regard will be entertained.

Official information



Mumbai, India

Phone : (+91) 22 25764111

Email : info [at] fossee [dot] in

Official link:
