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Why Trend of Not Getting Married is Increasing Nowadays? Don't Ignore Marriage in Time! Be Happily Married for Happy Life !!
Marriage is one of the oldest institutions in the world.
It’s also, along with education, one of the practices that have evolved the less since they were invented.
So I investigated how marriage stood the test of time in the 21st century.
The results I found are clear: marriage creates more pain and sorrow than happiness and pleasure.
Fear of divorce, Marriage is outdated, Love, Lifetime, Divorce, Weddings
Learning Outcomes
After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following
1. What's the reasons of Fear of divorce?
2. Why people think Marriage is outdated concept?
3.Is Marriage leads to dependency?
4. Why Not all marriages are successful?
5. Why people think Love rarely lasts a lifetime?
6. How to deal with trust issues in marriage?
7. What's the reasons behind increase in Divorce rates?
8. Why Married people are not happier?
9. How do you say Weddings are expensive now a days?
10. Conclusions
11. FAQs
There is an unspoken rule in the Indian society that has forced countless lives to sacrifice their ‘life’. As soon as one enters their mid-twenties (or, sometimes even before that), the discussions of their marriage plans reach their ears even before they have themselves pondered a thought over it.
The concerned relatives and friends have countless opinions and logic to force one to get married, and let’s be honest—many have succumbed to this pressure, and many will in the coming future.
So let's examine the reasons why younger generation is disinterested to get married.
1. What's the reasons of Fear of divorce?
Triggers for people with Divorce OCD fears include:Tension or disconnection in their relationship. Their partner having platonic relationships with others outside of the marriage. Fights/disagreements. Seeing media/social media images, posts, videos, or announcements of a couple getting a divorce.
Are you afraid of getting divorced? I understand. Society places so much value on staying married. There ispressure there.
Some of that pressure is good, it keeps people from taking marriage too lightly.
Divorce is stressful. Facing the unknown and facing fears head-on is tough. However, there are upsides to divorce.
2. Why people think Marriage is outdated Concept?
Why are fewer people marrying? There seem to be two main reasons; firstly, many people simply delay marriage for several years, and secondly many more simply don't feel the need to get married. When it comes to marriage, age is a factor.
The concept of marriage is often considered outdated by some due to its historical roots in property exchange and social contracts between families. Marriage was originally a transactional arrangement in many cultures, often devoid of romantic love.
3. Is Marriage leads to dependency?
The crucial awareness of emotional dependence in a healthy and trusted way is what helps a relation breathe by itself.
The definition of a dependent relationship is really very simple. Any time a person decides to require themselves in a romance, they often identify that their particular partner wishes something inturn. They may be willing to give up independence of choice or time using their own kids, but they may not be willing to quit things such as a vehicle or a property in order to please their spouse. If they are somebody that is emotionally dependent, the partner struggles to understand that all their partner is having problems or perhaps that all their partner will not be allowed to fulfill the desires.
4. Why Not all marriages are successful?
Reasons why marriages succeed or fail depends on your decisions as a couple. It depends on how you work together and how you communicate. If you can compromise and work together, your marriage will have a better chance of succeeding. It's hard work for sure, but definitely worth.
Infidelity, arguing, infertility, and lack of commitment are some of the top reasons for divorce in the world. There's usually more than one cause of divorce, though. Most divorce reasons are preventable, though, when both partners are in love and willing to spend time and energy in solving the differences.
5. Why people think Love rarely lasts a lifetime?
We need to have an account of love which allows that a relationship can end without anyone having viciously or pathologically killed it prematurely, for only against such a backdrop can we reduce the debilitating quantity of bitterness, guilt and blame otherwise in circulation. How we see the endings of love depends to a critical extent on what our societies tell us is ‘normal’. If it was meant to last forever, every ending will by necessity have to be described as a horrifying failure. But if we allow imaginative space for short-term love, then an ending may signal a deeper loyalty, not to setting up of a home and domestic routines, but to a deep appreciation and admiration one felt for someone for a time; we’ll walk away with a fair and generous sense of all that has been preserved and enhanced by the relationship not being forced to last forever.
6. How to deal with trust issues in marriage?
To overcome trust issues in marriage
Express your feelings and concerns.
Take small steps to rebuild trust.
Prioritize trust in your relationships and model trustworthiness.
Give people the chance to change.
Seek to understand before being understood.
Practice forgiveness.
Seek professional help if needed.
7. What's the reasons behind increase in Divorce rates?
The reasons of increase in divorce rate are
Financial irresponsibility
Poor dealing with relatives
Constant arguing
Incompatible parenting styles
Marrying too young
Poor communication skills
Substance abuse
Unrealistic expectations
Lack of Commitment
No Intimate relationship
Unwillingness to work through problems
Domestic violence
Ease of dissolving the marriage
Forced marriage
Being sexually incompatible
Marriage expectations
8. Why Married people are not happier?
Wedding bells can portend happy futures. But happily ever after requires more than an "I do." Marriage won't magically create happiness, which makes personal character development during the single years even more important.
9. How do you say Weddings are expensive now a days?
Scrutinizing the root causes, the first and foremost reason for such lavish weddings is that it is a one-time experience and to celebrate it wholeheartedly people having middle-class standards spend a lot for their own happiness. Anyone who has previously attended weddings will naturally strive to outdo their previous experiences in terms of size and cost. This proclivity to outperform previous achievements is combined with increased disposable income. Most importantly, there has been a drastic surge in the economies around the world, allowing people to spend money on various luxuries such as memorable wedding parties.
According to my perception, the major reason is people will interact with each other and it will help them socialize more and bring them close. Apart from this, assuming a person is planning a wedding that will not financially burden them in the future, it is a huge plus for the bride, groom, and all attendees. Moreover, in certain nations marriage is considered to be an auspicious, meaningful, and enduring moment for instance. The small and large bursts of happiness produced by such an event are worth more than a variety of other expenses that people frequently prioritize.
There are several reasons why weddings are so expensive nowadays:
Inflation: The cost of living has gone up, which means that everything, including wedding expenses, has become more expensive over time.
10. Conclusions
Marriage represents a multi-level commitment, one that involves person-to-person, family-to-family, and couple-to-state commitments. In all societies, marriage is viewed as a relatively permanent bond, so much so that in some societies it is virtually irrevocable.
Conclusion of marriage
Each couple may celebrate their marriage in their own way and style. Remember to take care of the official matters related to getting married:
Decide which surnames you will take when you get married.
Consider whether you want a prenuptial agreement.
Decide on the type and place of the wedding ceremony.
11. FAQs
Q. Why marriage become so expensive now.
Primary reason for spending so much in weddings is Showing off to the society. These big fat weddings are the outcome of the societal pressure and expectations. Beneath all the glitter and enjoyment is the endless effort that the families of bride and groom make to please the guests who are to attend the wedding.
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