IIT Delhi Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2024!
IIT Delhi offers the prestigious Summer Research Fellowship Programme, providing outstanding undergraduate students with the chance to undertake innovative research and development projects under the guidance of IIT Delhi faculty. Eligible applicants are students from various engineering institutes in India or abroad, excluding IITs, who rank within the top ten in their respective programs/branches. Students from IITs are not eligible to apply.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students, excluding those from IITs, who have completed at least two years of study in an engineering degree program and rank within the top ten in their respective programs, are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
Duration: The Fellowship work can be done in a period of 8-12 weeks which can be availed of during at the most two visits.
Eligibility: Undergraduate students, excluding those from IITs, who have completed at least two years of study in an engineering degree program and rank within the top ten in their respective programs, are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
Duration: The Fellowship work can be done in a period of 8-12 weeks which can be availed of during at the most two visits.
Stipend: The fellowship includes travel expenses (Train-Sleeper class) within the country, to and from IIT Delhi, accommodation at IIT Delhi during the visit(s), including boarding and lodging in the Institute hostels, fellowship amount of Rs. 500/- per week.
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