The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples: Know All About Tribals and Their Cultural Identities!

About: "World Tribal Day" 
The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples or "World Tribal Day" is observed on August 09 each year to raise awareness and protect the rights of the world's indigenous population.


Theme of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
This year’s theme is: Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination.

Climate Action and the Green Transition
Mobilizing for Justice
Intergenerational connections

Significance of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous and tribal cultures, and communities, allow us to look back at our roots. Taking cognisance of the knowledge acquired by indigenous people is vital culturally and also scientifically. Ancient cultures had perfected their survival strategies over centuries and discovered remedies to ailments which have helped modern scientists tremendously. Apart from science, understanding and preservation of indigenous languages, their spiritual practices, and philosophies are also vital.

History of International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
In December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples should be observed on August 9th each year. The date was chosen in recognition of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights held in Geneva in 1982. The day is needed, as across the world, indigenous peoples are often among the poorest ethnic groups in society. 

Statistical facts:
According to the UN, indigenous people make up less than 5 per cent of the world’s population but account for 15 per cent of the poorest. They speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s estimated 7,000 languages and represent 5,000 different cultures.

Keywords: World, Tribal, Day,
Theme, Significance, Indian tribes
After undergoing this article you will be able to understand the following:
1. What's World Tribal Day?
2. Why World Tribal Day is celebrated ?
3. What are the Objectives and Scope of Work?
4. What's the theme of world tribal day 2023?
5. What's Historical significance?
6. What's Statistical facts of World Tribes?
7. Some tribes and their briefs
8. Representative images
9. Conclusions
10. References

1. What's World Tribal Day?
“Indigenous and tribal peoples” is a common denominator for more than 370 million people, found in more than 70 countries worldwide. Indigenous and tribal peoples have their own cultures, languages, customs and institutions, which distinguish them from other parts of the societies in which they find themselves.

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is observed on August 9 each year to promote and protect the rights of the world’s Indigenous population. Also known as World Tribal Day, this event also recognises the achievements and contributions that Indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection.

2. Why World Tribal Day is celebrated ?
World Tribal Day is celebrated to educate the public on issues of concern, 
to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and 
to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. 

The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. 

3. What are the Objectives and Scope of Work?

Violations of the rights of the world's Indigenous Peoples have become a persistent problem, sometimes because of a historical burden from their colonization backgrounds and others because of the contrast with a constantly changing society.

In response to this problem, let’s remember every August 9 that Indigenous Peoples have the right to make their own decisions and carry them out meaningfully and culturally appropriate to them.

In this context of demand for self-determination, Indigenous youth are working as agents of change at the forefront of some of the most pressing crises facing humanity today.

For instance, Indigenous youth are harnessing cutting-edge technologies and developing new skills to offer solutions and contribute to a more sustainable, peaceful future for our people and planet.

But their future depends as well on the decisions that are made today. Their representation and participation in global efforts towards climate change mitigation, peacebuilding, and digital cooperation are crucial for the effective implementation of their rights as indigenous.

This International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2023, under the title of "Indigenous youth as agents of change for self-determination", revindicates the role that indigenous youth must occupy in decision-making while recognizing their dedicated efforts in climate action, the search for justice for their people, and the creation of an intergenerational connection that keeps their culture, traditions, and contributions alive.

So in brief the objectives of world tribal day is to 

Ensure role of Indigenous youth in exercising self-determination in the context of climate action and the green transition, mobilizing for justice, and intergenerational connections.

4. What's the theme of world tribal day 2023?
Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination."
5. What's Historical significance?
The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is to be marked annually on August 9, according to a decision made by the UN General Assembly in December 1994. The day was picked in honour of the 1982 Geneva-based Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights inaugural meeting, which served as the inspiration for the date

6. What are the salient facts of world Tribes?
Tribal societies put the community before the individual, sharing and exchanging possessions rather than amassing personal wealth
  1. Money isn’t the key to happiness. A group of Maasai people from east Africa were found to have a similar life satisfaction rating to those on the Forbes 400 richest Americans list.

  2. Hunter-gatherer tribes spend far less time working than we do. The Cuiva people of Colombia and Venezuela “work” for only 15-20 hours a week and spend many hours each day in their hammocks, made extra large so that spouses and children can all get in together. 

  3. Peace comes from dismissing concepts of ownership, competition, vanity and greed, according to the Piaroa people of Venezuela. They disavow violence, hold men and women to be of equal status, and never physically punish children. 

  4. The Hadza people of Tanzania value equality highly and have no official leaders. For them it is a moral obligation to give what you have without expectation of return. If you have more personal possessions than you have immediate use for, you should share them.

  5. Yanomami hunters never eat their own catch. They give it away to others before they even bring it home. In turn, they only eat what the other hunters have given to them. Everyone eats something provided by someone else, fostering community spirit and cohesion.

    Tribal societies possess an unparalleled understanding of some of the world’s most unique animals and ecosystems.

  6. Tribal peoples have unique relationships with animals. The Baka people of central Africa have more than 15 different words for “elephant” depending on the animal’s age, sex and temperament, and believe their ancestors walk with the animals through the forest.

    A Baka girl in Republic of CongoA Baka girl in Republic of Congo © Survival

  7. Evidence shows that the best barrier to deforestation in the Amazon is protecting the territories of uncontacted tribes. There are around 100 uncontacted tribes living in this rainforest and, as hunter-gatherers, they’re uniquely in tune with their environment and have vast botanical and zoological expertise. 

  8. When they harvest honey from high in the trees, the Soliga people take some for themselves and leave some near the ground for tigers, who they consider family, because tigers cannot climb the trees and harvest honey for themselves.

  9. When a child is born to the Orang Rimba tribe of Indonesia, the umbilical cord is planted under a Sentubung tree. The child has a sacred bond with that tree for the rest of their life, and for the Orang Rimba, cutting down a “birth tree” is equivalent to murder.
  10. To plow land is to “scratch the breast” of Mother Earth, say India’s Baiga people, believing God created the forests to provide everything humans need and gave the Baiga wisdom to find it. Only people that God didn’t give this knowledge to must farm to survive.

  11. India’s Niyamgiri Hills soak up the monsoon’s rain, giving rise to more than a hundred perennial streams and rivers, including the Vamshadhara river. The Dongria Kondh tribe who inhabit this lush landscape call themselves “Jharnia”, meaning Protector of Streams.

     © Jason Taylor/Survival

  12. Unlike us, the Arhuaco people of Colombia’s Sierra Nevada take great responsibility for the wellbeing of the planet, seeing it as their job to keep Mother Earth in harmony. They see droughts and famines as a consequence of human failure to keep the world in balance.

    Many tribal societies embrace gender equality; they show us that our society’s gender norms are not “natural” but culturally specific

  13. Women were traditionally the main breadwinners among the Chambri people of Papua New Guinea. They did all the fishing and took the extra fish they caught out into the surrounding hills to trade with other tribes. Neither sex is seen as dominant in Chambri life.

  14. Bayaka fathers spend approximately half the day near their babies. They even offer them a nipple to suck if the child is crying, and the mother or another woman is not available. It is not uncommon to wake in the night and hear a father singing to his child.

  15. Monogamy is not a universal human trait. The Zo’é people of the Amazon are polygamous, both men and women may have more than one partner. Everyone is equal in Zo’é society and traditionally there were no leaders. All wear the ‘m’berpót’ – a long wooden lip plug.

    A Zo'̩ family relaxes in a hammock they made from Brazil nut fibres.A Zo'̩ family relaxes in a hammock they made from Brazil nut fibres.ʩ Fiona Watson/Survival

  16. Many Native American societies traditionally recognised three genders. The third gender, “Two Spirit”, was seen as blessed; possessing unique insight thanks to their understanding of both masculine and feminine perspectives. 

  17. Women in industrial societies are still fighting for equality, but equal status of the sexes is normal for many hunter-gathers, like the Awá tribe in the Brazilian Amazon. Awá women participate in hunting trips and can even take several husbands.
  18. The level of power and independence enjoyed by the Innu women of Canada scandalized Catholic missionaries, who, up until the mid 20th century, tried to impose European standards, and make Innu women subservient to their husbands.

  19. Not everyone considers women’s breasts to be indecent; for many tribes they are unremarkable, and other body parts may be taboo instead. Emberá women in Colombia may go topless, but they must always cover the sides of their thighs. 

  20. The Wodaabe people in northern Niger hold a male beauty contest every year at the end of the rainy season. Young men wear makeup, jewelry and their best clothes and line up to compete for the attention of the women.

    Tribal societies have developed extraordinary expertise and unique technologies to live sustainably in some of the most challenging environments on the planet

  21. Many tribes around the world, like the Penan people of Sarawak, use clever chemistry to fish sustainably. They use toxins from plants to stun fish, which then float to the surface. People can take only what they need and allow the smaller fish to recover and swim away so fish stocks aren’t depleted.

  22. Special honeycomb is used to make casts for broken limbs by the Chenchu people of south-east India. They also say they never collect honey during the rains, because the bees will find it difficult to set up a new home while the rocks are slippery.

    Chenchu have a reciprocal relationship with the forest, based on the respect for cycles of the nature and in the responsibility for the future generations. Their customs dictate that they should never take more than they need or waste anything.Chenchu have a reciprocal relationship with the forest, based on the respect for cycles of the nature and in the responsibility for the future generations. Their customs dictate that they should never take more than they need or waste anything. © Survival

  23. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and has a hidden partner. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye and was only discovered by Western scientists in the 19th century. But it has been reported that the Dogon people of Mali may have known about the star before and understood its 50 year orbital period.

  24. Himba women of of Namibia and Angola cover themselves with otjize paste, a mixture of fat and ochre, cleansing to the skin and hair without water. Otjize also protects against the sun and mosquito bites, but the women say they just wear it to look good! 

  25. A moon halo – a bright ring visible around the moon when there are ice crystals in the air – was used by Indigenous peoples all over Australia as a weather predictor. Australia was once populated by up to a million people who spoke over 250 languages. 

  26. The spectacular Baliem Valley in West Papua is home to the Dani people, who are said to have developed agriculture at least 9,000 years ago, probably far in advance of Europe. 

  27. The Guugu Ymithirr people of Australia traditionally had no words for left and right and only used North, South, East and West for direction. They oriented themselves instinctively, able to use each compass point accurately relative to where they were standing.

  28. The Jumma peoples of Bangladesh allow their precious land to recover by ‘shifting cultivation’; growing food in small parts of their territory, before moving on to another area. They put a mix of seeds in each hole for different crops in different seasons.

    Marma mother and son sitting outside their home. In the last 60 years, the Jumma tribes have gone from being practically the sole inhabitants of the Chittagong Hill Tracts to being almost outnumbered by settlers.Marma mother and son sitting outside their home. In the last 60 years, the Jumma tribes have gone from being practically the sole inhabitants of the Chittagong Hill Tracts to being almost outnumbered by settlers. © Mark McEvoy/Survival

  29. As a form of contraception, men from some tribes in West Papua have traditionally drunk a tea made from a plant called Gendarussa. Scientists are investigating whether the plant could provide the basis for a contraceptive pill for men. 

  30. Malaria is one of the world’s most deadly diseases. Quinine, made from the bark of Cinchona trees, has been vital in the fight against it and was first used medicinally by Indigenous peoples like the Quechua of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador as a muscle relaxant.

  31. Their understanding of their environment and ability to interpret natural phenomena saved the tribal peoples of the Andaman Islands from the devastation of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. There were over 200,000 deaths as a result of the tsunami, but no tribal people died.

    They show us that the range of human ability, perception, and experience is so much broader than what exists in our society

  32. The Shipibo people of the Peruvian Amazon make intricate geometric art that can be read as music. The people can “hear” the song by looking at the patterns, like sheet music. The patterns represent chants and songs associated with Ayahasca healing ceremonies. 

  33. The sea-faring Bajau people of Malaysia can hold their breath for up to 3 minutes and free-dive up to 20 meters. Scientists found that the Bajau are submerged for up to 60% of the time they spend in the water, which is nearly as long as a sea-otter. 

  34. English is perhaps not such a difficult language to learn, it only uses around 42 different sounds. ǃXóõ, a language spoken by ‘Bushman’ tribes in the Kalahari Desert, has over 160. This includes five different “click” sounds originally found only in Bushman languages.

    Botswana Bushmen, Kalahari, Kua tribeBotswana Bushmen, Kalahari, Kua tribe © Forest Woodward / Survival, 2015

  35. Many tribes use naturally-occurring psychoactive substances to sharpen their abilities, both mentally and physically. Matsés men and women often use frog poison before hunting trips to produce a feeling of clarity, vision and strength that can last for several days.

  36. In a harsh sub-polar climate with temperatures around freezing, the former Indigenous inhabitants of Tierra Del Fuego at the southernmost tip of Argentina could often go without clothes, slept outside, and swam in water cold enough to kill Europeans.

  37. The future is behind you and the past in front of you, according to Aymara people of the Andes. You can “see” the past, but you cannot see the future. The Aymara word for past literally means eye, sight or front, and the word for future means “behind” or “the back.” 

  38. Are you at your mental peak at midnight? Sleeping all night just isn’t how everyone does it. The Pirahã people of Amazonas don’t just pass out for 8 hours at 11pm, they take naps at any time throughout the day or night. 

  39. The Rarámuri people of Mexico developed a tradition of long-distance running, up to 200 miles at a time, for inter-village communication, transportation, and hunting. They live in challenging mountainous terrain with large distances between settlements.

  40. The Guarani language has two different words for “we”. One “we” includes the people you are talking to, a bit like saying “me and you”. The other, you use to talk about a group of people who are not present, kind of like “me and them” 

    The Guarani use urucum dye of the annatto shrub to paint their faces and bodies during festivities, Brazil.The Guarani use urucum dye of the annatto shrub to paint their faces and bodies during festivities, Brazil. © Fiona Watson/Survival

  41. The Moken people of the Andaman Sea have remarkable visual skills. Their aquatic lifestyles mean they have developed the unique ability to focus under water in order to dive for food on the sea floor. Their sight is 50% more acute than Europeans’

  42. Have you ever been so excited to see someone, you keep going outside to check if they’ve arrived yet? The Inuktitut language of the Inuit has a word for that: “Iktsuarpok”, pronounced eekt-soo-ahh-pohk. 

    Tribal and Indigenous societies are a vital part of human diversity

  43. The most diverse place on Earth is the island of New Guinea, inhabited by around 1,000 or so different tribes. Though only about 0.1% of the world’s population lives here, it’s the home of approximately one seventh of the world’s 7,000 languages. 

  44. There are 100 or so uncontacted tribes in South America and all of them live in the Amazon… except one. The Totobiegosode of Paraguay are a sub-group of the Ayoreo people and some of them have chosen to reject interaction with mainstream society. 

  45. Uncontacted tribes don’t necessarily want “our” way of life. In 2014, three uncontacted Awá people left the forest to engage with mainstream society. Unimpressed, two of them later returned to their forest, covering their tracks so they could not be followed. 

  46. Colombia’s most recently contacted tribe, the Nukak, traditionally used piranha teeth to cut their hair. The tribe were uncontacted until 1988, when they turned up unexpectedly in a newly-established town inside the Nukak’s territory.

     © Survival International

  47. Do you talk to your pets? The Bodi people of Ethiopia sing special poems to their favorite cows. The tribe are agro-pastoralists, whose livelihoods and culture revolve around their cattle.

  48. The Sentinelese people have likely been almost entirely isolated on their island for many centuries. Their nearest neighbors, the Jarawa, can’t understand the Sentinelese language, indicating these related groups must have been separated for hundreds of years. 

  49. The Enawene Nawe tribe of Brazil practice one of the longest ritual celebrations on Earth, lasting over 4 months. They build intricate wooden dams across rivers to catch fish migrating from their spawning grounds. After the ritual ends, the dams are destroyed.

  50. As far as we know, the ancestors of today’s ‘Bushman’ tribes in southern Africa were in the region tens of thousands of years before anyone else. They have probably lived on their lands longer than anyone else has lived anywhere.
7. Some tribes in India and their briefs

Major Tribes in India: Arranged State-wise

Andhra Pradesh:  Andh, Sadhu Andh, Bhagata, Bhil, Chenchus (Chenchawar), Gadabas, Gond, Goundu, Jatapus, Kammara, Kattunayakan, Kolawar, Kolam, Konda, Manna Dhora, Pardhan, Rona, Savaras, Dabba Yerukula, Nakkala, Dhulia, Thoti, Sugalis, Banjara, Kondareddis, Koya, Mukha Dhora, Valmiki , Yenadis, Sugalis, Lambadis.

Arunachal Pradesh: Apatanis, Abor, Dafla, Galong, Momba, Sherdukpen, Singpho, Nyishi, Mishmi, Idu, Taroan, Tagin, Adi, Monpa, Wancho

Assam: Chakma, Chutiya, Dimasa, Hajong, Garos, Khasis, Gangte, Karbi, Boro, Borokachari, Kachari, Sonwal, Miri, Rabha, Garo

Bihar: Asur, Baiga, Birhor, Birjia, Chero, Gond, Parhaiya, Santhals, Savar, Kharwar, Banjara, Oraon, Santal, Tharu

Chhattisgarh: Agariya, Bhaina, Bhattra, Biar, Khond, Mawasi, Nagasia, Gond, Binjhwar, Halba, Halbi, Kawar, Sawar,

Goa: Dhodia, Dubia, Naikda, Siddi,Varli, Gawda.

Gujarat: Barda, Bamcha, Bhil, Charan, Dhodia, Gamta, Paradhi, Patelia, Dhanka, Dubla, Talavia, Halpati, Kokna, Naikda, Patelia, Rathawa, Siddi.

Himachal Pradesh: Gaddis, Gujjars, Khas, Lamba, Lahaulas, Pangwala, Swangla, Beta, Beda Bhot, Bodh.

Jammu and Kashmir: Bakarwal, Balti, Beda, Gaddi, Garra, Mon, Purigpa, Sippi, Changpa, Gujjar.

Jharkhand:  Birhors, Bhumij, Gonds, Kharia, Mundas, Santhals, Savar, Bedia, Ho, Kharwar, Lohra, Mahli, Parhaiya, Santal, Kol, Oraon, Banjara.

Karnataka: Adiyan, Barda, Gond, Bhil, Iruliga, Koraga, Patelia, Yerava, Hasalaru, Koli Dhor, Marati , Meda, Naikda, Soligaru.

Kerala: Adiyan, Arandan, Eravallan, Kurumbas, Malai arayan, Moplahs, Uralis, Irular, Kanikaran, Kattunayakan, Kurichchan, Muthuvan.

Madhya Pradesh: Baigas,  Bhils, Bharia, Birhors, Gonds, Katkari, kharia, Khond, Kol, Murias, Korku, Mawasi, Pardhan, Sahariya,

Maharashtra:  Bhaina, Bhunjia, Dhodia, Katkari, Khond, Rathawa, Warlis, Dhanka, Halba, Kathodi, Kokna, Koli Mahadev, Pardhi, Thakur,

Manipur: Naga, Kuki, Meitei, Aimol, Angami, Chiru, Maram, Monsang, Paite, Purum, Thadou, Anal, Mao, Tangkhul, Thadou, Poumai Naga.

Meghalaya: Chakma, Garos, Hajong, Jaintias Khasis, Lakher, Pawai, Raba, Mikir.

Mizoram: Chakma, Dimasa, Khasi, Kuki, Lakher, Pawi, Raba, Synteng, Lushai

Nagaland:  Angami, Garo, Kachari, Kuki, Mikir, Nagas, Sema, Ao, Chakhesang, Konyak, Lotha, Phom, Rengma, Sangtam,

Odisha:  Gadaba, Ghara, Kharia, Khond, Matya, Oraons, Rajuar, Santhals, Bathudi, Bathuri, Bhottada, Bhumij, Gond, Juang, Kisan, Kolha, Kora, Khayara, Koya, Munda, Paroja, Saora, Shabar, Lodha.

Rajasthan: Bhils, Damaria, Dhanka, Meenas(Minas), Patelia, Sahariya, Naikda, Nayaka, Kathodi.

Sikkim:  Bhutia, Khas, Lepchas, Limboo, Tamang

Tamil Nadu: Adiyan, Aranadan, Eravallan, Irular, Kadar, Kanikar, Kotas, Todas, Kurumans, Malayali,

Telangana: Chenchus.

Tripura: Bhil, Bhutia, Chaimal, Chakma, Halam, Khasia, Lushai, Mizel, Namte, Mag, Munda, Riang,

Uttarakhand: Bhotias, Buksa, Jannsari, Khas, Raji, Tharu.

Uttar Pradesh: Bhotia, Buksa, Jaunsari, Kol, Raji, Tharu, Gond, Kharwar, Saharya , Parahiya, Baiga, Agariya, Chero

West Bengal: Asur, Khond, Hajong, Ho, Parhaiya,  Rabha, Santhals, Savar, Bhumij, Bhutia, Chik Baraik, Kisan, Kora, Lodha, Kheria, Khariam, Mahali, Mal Pahariya, Oraon,

Andaman and Nicobar:  Oraons, Onges, Sentinelese, Shompens.

Brief facts of Indian tribes to remember

  • The total population of Scheduled Tribes is 10.43 crore as per the Census 2011 which accounts for 8.6% of the total population of the country. The share of the Scheduled Tribe population in urban areas is a meagre 2.8%.
  • Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Karnataka are the State having a larger number of Scheduled Tribes These states account for 83.2% of the total Scheduled Tribe population of the country. Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir, Tripura, Mizoram, Bihar, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, accounting for another 15.3% of the total Scheduled Tribe population. The share of the remaining states / Uts is negligible.
  • The Scheduled Tribes in India form the largest proportion of the total population in Lakshadweep and Mizoram followed by Nagaland and Meghalaya.
  • Madhya Pradesh has the largest number of scheduled Tribes followed by Orissa.
  • Bastar district of Chattisgarh consists of the largest number of Scheduled Tribes.
  • There are no Scheduled Tribes in Punjab, Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Haryana.
  • In Lok Sabha, there is a reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes. Here also census figures are taken into account. Allocation of seats for Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha are made on the basis of the proportion of Scheduled Tribes in the State concerned to that of the total population, vide provision contained in Article 330 of the Constitution of India read with Section 3 of the R. P. Act, 1950.
  • For Scheduled Tribes, 47 seats are reserved in Lok Sabha. The 1st schedule to R. P. Act, 1950  as amended vide Representation of People (Amendment) Act, 2008 gives the Statewise break up.
Tribes from East India
Munda: The Munda Tribe has its main habitat in Jharkhand but their presence can be seen in other nearby states such as West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh.
This tribal community is known to be one of the oldest to have lived in South Asian countries.
Pahari Korwa: These people majorly live on the Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand border but can also be found in the Mirzapur district of UP. 
Their people mostly practice a different form of agriculture which is also known as Jhoonga Kheti.
The people of this tribe worship Satbahini Devi and live in mud houses.
They have their own language which is also known as the Korwa language.  
Baiga: Traditionally, Baiga people preferred living a semi-nomadic life and practiced “slash-and-burn” cultivation.
These people use bamboo to build their houses and other household items such as baskets.
These people have a sweet spot for fresh honey and they use traditional techniques to collect it. 
Baiga tribe is also proficient in developing folk medicines by using their in-depth knowledge about medicinal plants and shrubs.
These people have a tattoo tradition where everyone has to get their body part tattooed at a certain age and occasion.
Santhal: Santhal Tribe is densely populated in Bihar. 
They love music and dancing. Be it a fair at any festival or occasion; Santhals always find a way to connect with music and dance.
There are instruments including Tirio that adds to their fun of music and dance.
Great Andamanese Tribes: The Great Andamanese Tribes are from the Andaman Islands and are a part of the Negrito tribal family. 
The staple food of this tribe includes rice, wheat, dal, and chapati.
The languages spoken in the community are Jeru, Khora, Andamani Hindi.

Tribes from West India

  • Warli: They are spread across Nashik, Thane, and Dhule in Maharashtra, Valsad in Gujarat, some places of Karnataka, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Goa, and Daman & Diu.
    • They are small-scale cultivators of vegetables, pulses, and rice.
    • People of the Warli Tribe don’t worship any god other than nature.
    • Warli art is based on their belief system that was established by their ancestors centuries ago and the same is being followed ever since.
  • Madia: Madia tribe or Madia Gonds or Maria are other endogamous tribes that live in the Gadchiroli and Chandrapur districts of Maharashtra. 
    • The people of this tribe are skilled craftsmen and hunters who use Madia as their communication language.
    • They worship the forces of nature and their local deities.

Tribes from South India

  • Gond: Gonds are probably one of the largest tribes living in South Asian countries.
    • With over strength of 9 million people, they are probably one of the largest tribes in their world.
    • The staple food of this tribe is Kodo and kutki that are two types of millets. Consuming rice for them is a luxury and that’s done majorly during festivals and other occasions. 
    • They pray to earth, air, and water.
  • Chenchu Tribes: Chenchu tribes are prominently found in the central hilly areas of Andhra Pradesh.
    • They are hunters but some of the groups of this community collect forest products such as beedi leaves, roots, tubers, fruits, honey, gum, tamarind, mahua flower, and other items.
    • These people worship Hanuman, Lord Shiva, and Goddess of Fire. 
  • Irula Tribe: Irula lives on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. 
    • These people play a vital role in the development of anti-venoms because they are known for catching snakes not just in India, but across the world.

North-East India

  • Bodo Tribe: The majority groups of the Bodo tribe live near the Brahmaputra Valley and they are known to be the first settlers of Assam.
    • Bodo Tribe is also the first cultivator of rice and rear silkworms.
    • Bodo people love dancing and singing at festivals and other occasions.
  • Nyishi Tribe: Nyishi is one of the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh that is also known as Dafla and BangnI.
    • They are mostly found in Eastern Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. They are proficient in speaking the Tibeto-Burman language.
    • They practice a slash-and-burn form of agriculture.
    • The members of this tribe follow the clan-based system of relation. 
  • Bhutia Tribes: Their main occupation of this tribe is agriculture.
    • They belong to parts of West-Bengal and Sikkim.
  • Garo Tribes: This tribe migrated from the Garo Hills to the other states of the seven sisters.
    • Wangala Festival is one of the main festivals of the Garo Tribe and they celebrate this festival with a lot of zeal.
    • It is a very colorful festival that is celebrated when the first crop is harvested.

Tribes of Central India

  • Bhil: This group can be found in Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh.
    • The people of Bhil have been hunters for centuries and their expertise in using bow and arrow contributes to their name.
    • These people have now become farmers and have staple food including maize, fruits, and rice.
    • This group was also known to be an expert in guerrilla warfare.
  • Abhuj Maria: Abhuj Maria is one of those tribes of Chhattisgarh that have been living in hiding.
    • This group is not a nomad but they mainly practice “slash-and-burn” cultivation. 
    • The main festival celebrated by this group is named Kaksar that falls in June.

Tribes of North India

  • Gaddis Tribe:
    • Distribution: Himachal Pradesh
    • They mainly dwell around the Dhauladhar mountain range, Chamba, Bharmaur, and the areas near to Dharamshala
    • The main occupation is pastoralism and they make their livelihood by rearing and selling sheep, goats, mules, and horses.
    • Most of them are Hindus and a few Muslims.
    • They speak the Gaddi Language but for writing, they use Takri and Hindi.
    • Festivals: Shivarathri, Jatra.
  • Gujjars:
    • Distribution: Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir
    • The Gurjars/Gujjars were no doubt a remarkable people spread from Kashmir to Gujarat and Maharashtra, who gave an identity to Gujarat, established kingdoms, entered the Rajput groups as the dominant lineage of Badgujar, and survive today as a pastoral and a tribal group with both Hindu and Muslim segments.
    • They mainly practise pastoral and dairy farming.
    • Practice transhumance.

8. Representative images



9. Conclusions: Indian Context 
Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal ministry for overall policy, planning and coordination of programmes for development of STs. To this end, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has undertaken activities that follow from the subjects allocated under the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 as mentioned below:

1. Social security and social insurance with respect to the Scheduled Tribes.

2. Tribal Welfare: Tribal welfare planning, project formulation, research, evaluation, statistics and training.

3. Promotion and development of voluntary efforts on tribal welfare.

4. Scheduled Tribes, including scholarship to students belonging to such tribes.

5. Development of Scheduled Tribes.

5A. All matters including legislation relating to the rights of forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes on forest lands.

 6. (a) Scheduled Areas; (b) regulations framed by the Governors of States for Scheduled Areas.

7. (a) Commission to report on the administration of Scheduled Areas and the welfare of the Scheduled Tribes; and (b) issue of directions regarding the drawing up and execution of schemes essential for the welfare of the Scheduled Tribes in any State.

8. The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.

9. Implementation of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 (22 of 1955) and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 (33 of 1989), excluding administration of criminal justice in regard to offences in so far as they relate to Scheduled Tribes.

10. Monitoring of Tribal Sub-Plan, based on the framework and mechanism designed by NITI Aayog.

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal Ministry for coordination of programmes of development for the Scheduled Tribes. However, with regard to sectoral programmes and schemes of development of these communities, policy, planning, monitoring, evaluation, etc. as also their coordination are the responsibility of the concerned Central Ministries / Departments, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. Each Central Ministry / Department is the nodal Ministry or Department concerning its sector.

10. References
1. United Nations › observances
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples


3. Convention 169 and International Day of the World's Indigenous 

4. › view-event › t...
Tribal day - Events & Festivals in India | A Ministry of Tourism Initiative
5. Getty Images › photos
2544 World Tribal Day Stock Photos and High-res Pictures

6. United Nations › observances
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

7. Drishti IAS › world-t...
World Tribal Day


9. ClearIAS › major-tri...
Major Tribes in India: State-wise compilation

10. Odisha State Tribal Museum | Birhor


12. In six decades, Santhals have turned away from agriculture - The Hindu


